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Utilization of Ecosystems and Environmental Balance

Utilization of Ecosystems and Environmental Balance

Ecosystem is an ecological system formed by an inseparable reciprocal relationship between living things and their environment. Ecosystem can also be said to be a complete and comprehensive unity between all living environments that influence each other. An ecosystem can consist of various kinds of constituent elements. Living things, air, energy cycles, soil, rocks, minerals are examples of the elements that make up an ecosystem. The relationship between these elements does not only occur between living things and their physical environment, but also between species that inhabit these ecosystems.

An ecosystem can be created if the two components that make it up are fulfilled, in accordance with the definition of the ecosystem above, namely:

1. Biotic: Components consisting of all living things that live in the ecosystem starting from the lowest to the highest taxonomic level. Each biotic component has their respective roles and functions to maintain an ecosystem form. Humans as the main biotic component have a major influence on the development, destruction, or spread of other biotic components. Humans play a role in the survival of animals or plants. In general, the biotic components are divided into four types, namely producers, consumers, decomposers and detrivores.

2. Abiotic: All physical, chemical, and nutritional objects that exist in that place, at one time, and become a niche and a life support for beetroot components. Without an abiotic component, a biotic component would not exist. In general, the abiotic components are divided into several types, namely soil, temperature, sunlight, water, air, minerals, acidity, and topography.

Benefits of biotic and abiotic components :

1. Rain

The fall of rain to the earth has an impact (benefit) for humans. Rainwater that falls is useful for human survival.

2. Rainbow

This event occurs because of the refraction of sunlight. consists of many colors which make it look beautiful to humans.

3. Mount erupts

However, the erupting volcano also provides benefits for humans. Soil mixed with volcanic matter contains many nutrients that plants need. This can be used by humans to grow crops.

4. Wind

The wind can also be used by fishermen. The formation of land wind and sea breeze can be used by fishermen to go to sea.

5. Earth's rotational motion and daily pseudo motion of stars.

The rotation of the earth is very beneficial for humans because it causes changes of day and night. Apart from that the earth's rotation also makes the daily pseudo movement of the stars. This is beneficial for humans at night, the star will be one of the lights besides the moon on the earth.

6. Erosion

Erosion provides benefits for humans such as the creation of new plains, and this can be used by humans for new locations to live in. Another impact of erosion creates mineral deposits that are beneficial to humans.

7. Weathering

When weathering occurs, the stone turns into sand which can be used by humans to make concrete in building construction.

8. Grow and reproduce

In addition to the balance of the ecosystem, humans can take advantage of these plants and animals. As food, crafts and so on.

Thank you for reading my article about ecosystem use and environmental balance, hopefully it will be useful for all of us.

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