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discuss the benefits of kencur plants and their uses

Kencur is a type of spice that has a distinctive aroma that is fresh and pungent.  Besides being used as a flavor enhancer in cooking, the benefits of kencur have also long been recognized as a natural remedy.
 This plant originating from Asia belongs to the ginger-ginger family (Zingiberaceae).  The Zingiberaceae species does not only contain kencur plants, but also includes ginger, turmeric, and galangal.  Yes, in other words, kencur is actually still a close relative of ginger, galangal, and turmeric.
 That is one of the reasons why the basic ingredients of these dishes have almost the same shape, so it is sometimes difficult to distinguish.  Kencur plants grow in many tropical and subtropical climates.  The distribution areas are generally in Asia, including in Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Thailand and Malaysia.

 Kencur plants usually thrive in mountainous areas or lowlands.  The best soil structure for planting kencur is loose, aka it doesn't contain too much water.
 However, kencur is equally fertile when planted in pots with soil conditions that are not too wet.  The meki that you often use is only part of the kencur tuber, in fact this plant has a complete shape.

 Just like most plants in general, kencur plants are also equipped with leaves and flowers.  It's just that, the shape and appearance are certainly different from other kitchen ingredients.

 Besides its distinctive taste and can add to the delicacy of processed dishes, the benefits of kencur do not end there.  Various composition of substances contained in kencur, namely: Starch, Minerals, Sineol
 , Methyl canyl acid and sensitizer, Cinnamic acid, Ethyl ester, Borneol, Kamphene
 , araeumarin, anisic acid, alkaloid
 The content of cineol, methyl canil acid, penta insults, cinnamic acid, and so on are included in essential oils.  Not only that, other chemical compounds in kencur are ethyl p-methoxycinamate, p-methoxistiren, karen, borneol, and paraffin.

 The benefits of kencur are: Treating coughs, relieving stress, treating diarrhea, the basic ingredients of herbal medicine, preventing dental caries.
 And generally, kencur is used as a base for flavor enhancing in processed pecel, ointment, karedok, or even seblak.  The addition of kencur which is ground together with various other spices, aims to make the dish taste fresher when eaten.
 Not only that.  Kencur can also be mixed with chili sauce so that it gives a fragrant aroma when eaten.  Not limited to food, you can also use kencur in processed drinks that will give a warm sensation in the throat.

Nama : Maysa Nabilah Zahrah 
Kelas : X OTKP 2 


  1. Good artikel moms,sangat membantu sekali, komen pertama dapet apa?

  2. Wah artikel nya sangat bermanfaat, terimakasih mah

  3. Membantu sekali penjelasannya terimakasih hyung

  4. Membantu sekali penjelasannya terimakasih hyung

  5. artikel nya bermanfaat sekaleh

  6. Ngebantu banget sii Makasih banyak Hyung, Good luck Hyung!!

  7. Thanks for the information!

  8. good artikel moms, sangat bermanfaat

  9. good artikel moms, sangat membantu

  10. wow, thank u infonya

  11. Bermanfaat bgt makasih ya...

  12. Baguss artikelnyaa, bermanfaat bangeet....

  13. Terima kasih infonya, bermanfaat bangett

  14. Sangat bermanfaat trmksh

  15. Terbantu sangat dgn adanya artikel ini

  16. Omggg artikelnya bermanfaattt bangettt

  17. waaa bermanfaat banget, terimakasih


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