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mangrove forest benefits





Indonesia is an archipelagic country, being one of the countries that has the largest mangrove forest area in the world. Yes, mangrove forests themselves have a very important role and very good function directly or indirectly for the surrounding environment, especially for coastal residents.

Mangroves grow on brackish water swamps located on the coastline and are recognized by the tides of sea water, to be precise in coastal areas and around river estuaries. Therefore, the plants that live in mangrove forests are unique, because they are a combination of the characteristics of plants that live on land and in the sea.

Preventing Seawater Intrusion

Ocean intrusion itself is an event of seawater seepage into land. This marine intrusion can cause groundwater to become brackish, making it unsuitable for consumption.

The function of this mangrove forest is to deposit mud on the roots of mangrove trees so as to prevent seawater intrusion into the land.

Prevents Beach Erosion and Abrasion


Erosion is the erosion of the soil surface by water flow. If abrasion is the erosion of the soil surface due to the hitting sea waves. Well, the function of this mangrove forest is to protect coastal areas with very efficient roots. This will protect soil erosion caused by water.

As a place to live and a source of food

Mangrove forests are also a suitable place to live for many animals such as lizards, turtles, monkeys, birds, snakes, and so on. It is not uncommon for ravines of marine animals such as fish, shrimp, crabs, and snails to live in this area. It has stick roots in mangrove trees, provides nutrients and is a nursery area for fish and invertebrates that live around it. Various types of land animals take shelter or stop perching and foraging in this mangrove forest.

As a Natural Prevent and Filter

The mangrove forest is filled with mangrove roots and muddy trees. Well, the function of mangrove forests from their roots can accelerate the breakdown of organic waste that is carried to the coastal area. Apart from helping to break down organic waste, the function of mangrove forests can also help speed up the process of breaking down chemicals that pollute the sea such as oil and detergents. It is also a natural barrier against strong winds during certain seasons.

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