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Mosses are a group of small plants that are included in Bryophytina [citation needed].
This plant has shown a clear differentiation between nutrient-absorbing and photosynthetic organs, but it does not have true roots and leaves. This group of plants also does not have true vessels. Instead of roots, their harvester-absorbing organs are rhizoids (literally: "rootlike"). Moss plant leaves can photosynthesize. Moss plants are pioneer plants, which grow in a place before other plants can grow. This happens because moss plants are small but form colonies that can cover large areas. Dead plant tissue becomes a source of nutrients for other mosses and other plants.

In colloquial language, the term "moss" can refer to several divisions. The old classification also incorporates liverworts and hornworts into Bryophytes, so that in Bryophytes there are hornworts, liverworts, and true mosses (Musci). However, developments in plant taxonomy suggest that this association is paraphyletic, so it was decided to separate the liverworts and hornworts out of the Bryophytes. In the world there are about 4,000 species of mosses (including liverworts), 3,000 of which grow in Indonesia. Cibodas Botanical Garden in West Java has a "moss garden" which collects various mosses and liverworts from various regions in Indonesia and the world.

The rotation of the moss plant breeds
Moss plants undergo hereditary rotation in their life cycle. What is known as a moss plant is the haploid (x = n) gametophyte (gamete-producing plant) stage. Thus, there are male and female mosses because one plant cannot produce two sex cells at once.

Male sex cells (sperm cells) are produced from the anteridium and female sex cells (egg or ovum) are located in the archegonium. These two sex cell-producing organs are located at the top of the plant. Anteridium which ripens will release sperm cells. The sperm cells swim (fertilization occurs when environmental conditions are wet) to the archegonium to fertilize the ovum.
A fertilized ovum will grow into a sporophyte that is not independent because its life is supported by the gametophyte. The sporophyte is diploid (x = 2n) and short-lived (3-6 months to reach maturity). The sporophyte will form a capsule called the sporogonia at the end. The sporogonia contains haploid spores which are formed by meiosis. The cooking sporogonia will release the spores. Spores grow into bundles called protonema. These files grow and expand at a certain stage will grow a new gametophyte.
Mosses have a role in the ecosystem as a provider of oxygen, storage of water (because of the nature of their cells that resemble a sponge), and as an absorber of pollutants.
This plant is also known as a pioneer plant, able to live in an environment that is not preferred by plants in general.

Some mosses are used as spatial ornaments. Several species of Sphagnum can be used as skin and eye medicine.

The moss plants that grow on the rainforest floor help resist erosion, reduce the danger of flooding, and are able to absorb water during the dry season.
Benefits of Moss Every Day:
The benefits of moss for homes, offices, and daily needs are as follows:
Moss plants play an important role in the ecosystem as a provider of oxygen, making the room fresher.
As a water storage medium, especially helping the growth of indoor ornamental plants.
Able to absorb pollutants in the room, especially the smoking room.
It is antibiotic and retains water, so it can be used as a packaging material for vegetables, flowers and tubers.
Its antibiotic properties can be used as a wound dressing. This method has been used in the First World War, the benefits of moss are very useful for dressing surgical wounds.
Dead or dried moss can be used as plant compost.
Benefits of Moss For Health. 
In addition, the benefits of moss for health have long been empowered by our parents. Moss plant species have been used in the manufacture of traditional herbal concoctions to treat several diseases, including:
Lichen contains antibiotics, has long been used for medical purposes during the First World War.
This antibiotic is also useful for treating and treating pneumonia, skin diseases and eye diseases. Frullania Tamaricis moss is used as an antiseptic, anti-fungal, as well as making betel leaf medicinal infusions.
Marchantia polymorpha species are believed to be able to treat hepatitis, as well as treat poisonous snake and insect bites.
This type of moss Cratoneuron is used to treat the heart, as a sedative that can normalize the heartbeat.
Rhodobryum giganteum moss extraction can be used as an anesthetic.
Thousands of years our ancestors have used moss for health, especially in the medical field. But today, moss is considered just an ordinary plant. But after knowing the benefits of this plant, it's good to cultivate moss as an indoor decoration. (Jamuin).

Thank you for reading it and hope it is useful^^



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