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The benefits of red ginger for the human body

The benefits of red ginger for the human body

Red ginger, this plant has the Latin name Zingiber officinale.The rubrum variety is one type of rhizome plant that is well known for its use as a medicinal ingredient and as a spice plant. This rhizome has the shape of fingers and swells between the middle sections. Red ginger plant contains essential oils and has a spicy taste because of the ketone compound called zingeron.

Red ginger is also part of the Zingiberaceae tribe or tribe of rendezvous. The scientific name given to this ginger plant is named after the Greek language, namely zingiberi, and the Sanskrit language is singaberi, this name was issued by a world figure who has the name William Roxburgh.

The benefits of red ginger are usually used for herbal medicinal plants, which have been known since ancient times, especially in China. In China ginger is used for traditional medicine to treat kidney disease, as well as to improve the work function of the spleen and in Arabic it is used for body warmers.

But behind some of the benefits, it turns out that this plant should not be consumed by people who have ulcers. Although the benefits contained in red ginger are very high for natural medicine and can treat various diseases, if people who have ulcers are advised to be careful, or even not to consume them, to prevent unwanted things. Because in red ginger contains gingerol compounds, which can make the stomach in our body hot.


In addition to people who suffer from gastric disease, pregnant women are also advised not to consume red ginger, because red ginger has ingredients that can endanger your womb.


The following are some of the benefits and benefits of red ginger for health:

1. As an herbal medicine for coughs.

How to make the potion: prepare about 3 rhizomes of red ginger each the size of our thumbs, then wash the red ginger until it is clean and there is no more dirt, then prepare about 2 cups of water and boil it until only one glass remains. Drink the red ginger stew twice a day.

2. As an herbal medicine to treat aches.

How to make the potion: take or provide approximately two ginger rhizomes for the size of your thumbs, then prepare two glasses of milk, then burn the red ginger in hot coals, then flatten the red ginger gently, then boil the red ginger in 2 cups milk until boiling, drink the concoction twice a day too.

 3. Red Ginger can be used as a herbal headache remedy.

How to make the potion: take approximately 3 red ginger, then wash the ginger thoroughly, burn the red ginger then flatten it or crush it, then pour it into a glass of warm water with a little honey added or it could be palm sugar. Then drink the potion. Do it 2-3 times a day until the headache is gone.


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