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The Efficacy of Komodo Poison

Komodo is known as one of the wild animals that has a deadly venom. However, it turns out that Komodo dragons can also be used to cure pulmonary embolism. What is a pulmonary embolism?

Pulmonary embolism is a condition when the pulmonary arteries, the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the lungs, become blocked. This condition is usually caused by a blood clot coming from the leg or other part of the body. Even though the size of the blood clots that clog most of them is quite small, so they are not life-threatening, you still need to be aware of this condition. The reason is, even the smallest blood clot that forms can still damage the lungs. Conversely, if the size of the blood clot that forms is large enough, this can be very dangerous, because it can stop blood flow to the lungs.

 People with pulmonary embolism need to get treatment as soon as possible to reduce the risk of lung damage. By doing the right treatment as early as possible, can also reduce the risk of death. What are the benefits of Komodo dragons to treat pulmonary embolism?

 Wild animal venom is known to be the only chemical compound that can kill a human in less than a minute. However, the researchers also found that the toxic substances found in the venom of wild animals can actually help treat certain medical conditions. One example is the Komodo dragon.

 This beast has different venom glands from snakes. When the snake bites and poison the human body, such as a syringe, the dragons can flow out. Even though it is deadly, it turns out that Komodo dragons have anticoagulant properties that are useful for inhibiting blood clot formation. Thus, Komodo dragons can be used as a powerful drug to treat diseases, such as strokes, heart attacks, pulmonary embolism, or any disease caused by blood clots.

 Here's the Treatment for pulmonary embolism!

 Besides being able to dragons, pulmonary embolism can also be cured by various ways of medical treatment. The main goal of pulmonary embolism treatment is so that the blood clots that have formed do not enlarge and prevent new blood clots from forming. Here are four ways to treat pulmonary embolism:

  1. Drug Administration
  The two types of drugs commonly used to treat pulmonary embolism are anticoagulants and thrombolytics. Anticoagulants that are also contained in komodo venom are useful for preventing blood clots, while thrombolytics function to break down blood clots. However, thrombolytic drugs can cause serious bleeding suddenly, so this drug is only used for people who are in critical condition.

 2. Blood Vessel Filter
  This procedure is usually performed for people who are not suitable for taking anticoagulant drugs or if these drugs are not effective in treating the patient's pulmonary embolism. So, the filter will be attached to the main vein that connects the legs with the right heart. The purpose of this filter is to keep the blood clots from entering the lungs.

 3. Operations
  If the size of the blood clot is too large and endangers the safety of the sufferer, the doctor will recommend surgery for the pulmonary artery through an embolectomy procedure. This method is effective for removing the blood clot.

 4. Combination of Ultrasound Procedure and Thrombolic Medication
  The blood clots that form are resolved through a procedure that uses high-frequency, low-energy sound waves, combined with the administration of thrombolytic drugs. This step is carried out when the patient's pulmonary embolism is severe enough.
Pulmonary embolism needs to be treated in the right way. Because if not, blockages in the pulmonary arteries can lead to pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary hypertension is a condition in which the blood pressure in the lungs and right heart is too high. If the heart continuously pumps blood through blood vessels with high pressure, then the heart muscles will weaken as a result.

Pulmonary embolism that is not treated promptly can also cause blocked lung tissue to die or become unable to function anymore. This condition is also known as a pulmonary infarction. This makes it more difficult for the lungs to provide oxygen to the rest of the body.

Name : Namira Az Zahra
Class : X PB 2
School Assignment : Natural Sciences


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  3. Artikel nya bagus, semogaa bermanfaatt!!👍

  4. Bagus sayang nya kaga ngerti bahasa Inggris 😭

  5. artikelnya bagus bangettt huhu monang �� bcs artikel ini wawasan gue jg bertambah uwu semoga bermanfaat yaaa ��

  6. Artikel yang sangat bagus bisa memperluas wawasan saya semangat

  7. mantab,boleh juga lu artikelnya

  8. Artikel nya bagus banget

  9. artikel yang sangat bagus bisa menginspirasi orang-orang

  10. AWOOWWW keren banget ini

  11. Tulisannya sangat bermanfaat dan bisa menginspirasi banyak orang, lanjutkan ya.

  12. Nice 👍 Terimakasih informasinya mengenai Emboli Paru.🤗 Semoga artikel ini ada manfaatnya buat dunia pengobatan.

  13. Jika saya menabung, di celengan anjing. Apakah uang sayang menjadi haram

  14. Artikelnya bagus,semoga bisa bermanfaat untuk orang banyak ..kereenn...

  15. wow such a good information for me, good job sis!!!

  16. Good job & good information kak..⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Jdi kesimpulannya, jaga dan lindungi komodo karena di balik body seram nya ada obat untuk kesembuhan penderita pulmonary embolism..😇

  17. Keren artikelnya namira

  18. artikel nya bermanfaat banget

  19. Jadi tahu nih mengenai Emboli Paru. Terimakasih informasinya yah. 👍


  20. Bagus bangat artikelnya ka, bisa untuk tambah wawasan 👍


  21. Bagus banget artikelnya ka, bisa untuk tambah wawasan 👍

  22. Makasih kk namira echa jd tau tentang komodo

  23. Sangat membantu sekaliii artikel tentang komodo nya goodb job kaka zahra 😘😊

  24. Artikelnya bagus dan dapat membantu menambah wawasan kita,
    Tetap semangat y kak, dan di tunggu artikel berikutnya

  25. Wihh keren ada komodo nya, so cute

  26. THIS IS ARTICEL IS SO GREAT! i couldnt agree more with the author,we must protect extinct animals,and take care of them. theres many benefits and lots of information that i can take from here,thank u!

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