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Natural way to treat thrush

Oral thrush or candidiasis is a yeast infection of the mouth. This occurs because of the buildup of Candida albicans fungi in the lining of the mouth. Thrush can occur in adults or children.

Common causes of thrush are when the immune system weakens, deficiency of vitamin B12 and folic acid and the presence of certain bacterial or viral infections. In some cases, oral soft tissue trauma can cause mouth sores.

What causes thrush?

How to treat thrush is not difficult, but it cannot be denied that having thrush is a painful experience. Therefore, we need to know the cause of canker sores so as not to feel the negative effects of thrush. Generally, thrush is caused by an injury or injury to the inside of the mouth. However, other factors can also cause thrush, such as:

1. Lack of zinc,

2. Vitamin B-12,

3. Iron,

4. Folic acid Allergy Helicobacter pylori bacterial

5. such as HIV / AIDS, Chron's disease,


How to cure thrush naturally:

1. Turmeric


Turmeric contains essential ingredients and curcumin which can be anti-inflammatory which can cure thrush. The trick is you can puree the turmeric by grated or in a blender and make a paste, apply it on the sprue. You can also mix it in a glass of water and use it to rinse your mouth.

2. honey


Honey is an effective alternative to treat thrush because it can reduce the pain, inflammation, and size of the canker sores, as well as prevent infection. This is because honey has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. However, when choosing honey, choose honey that is unpasteurized and natural, such as Hanuka honey. You can apply honey to the sprue four times a day.

3.  Aloe Vera


In addition to its anti-inflammatory and sedative properties on the tongue which can help relieve pain and close the mouth sores quickly, it can also prevent canker sores from coming back. How to use it is simple, just apply it directly to the canker sores and leave it for 20 minutes. After that, you can immediately rinse your mouth with warm water. Just repeat a few times a day until the canker sores disappear. If you enjoy enjoying aloe vera juice, you can also consume it 3-4 times a day to treat canker sores.

4. Coconut


Coconut is known as a plant that has many benefits. Starting from the stems, leaves, fruit, fibers and others. Various coconut products such as oil and coconut milk are considered to be able to cure canker sores. Coconut is also able to cool the body temperature which in some cases causes canker sores.

How to treat thrush quickly and without stinging with coconut is to gargle with coconut water or drink it. To use coconut oil, you can also rinse your mouth or just apply it. While the coconut milk can be mixed with honey, then apply it to the sprue. Do this regularly, about 3-4 times a day.

5.  Tomato


Tomatoes have a large vitamin C content. How to treat thrush quickly and without stinging can take advantage of tomatoes. Eating tomatoes at least 3-4 times a day is beneficial for curing thrush naturally.

Name : Shabrina Khoirunnisa X PB 2


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