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10 Manfaat Ajaib Daun Saga Untuk Kesehatan

*10 magical benefits of Saga leaves for health* 

Saga leaves have a Latin name, namely Abrus Precatorius with odd-finned compound leaves, light purple flowers and red saga seeds with black spots, we can only easily find them on the internet and in the description of the manufacturer's herbal ingredients.

Yes, now saga leaves have become an industrial commodity to be used as herbal medicine.

That's natural because saga leaves contain ; Protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Viamin C, Saponin, Flavonoid, Tannin, Alkaloid, Kalsium oksalat, Glisirizin, Flisirizinat,Polygalacturomic acid, dan Pentosan.

Saga leaves also have chemical content, namely ; Luteolin, Isoorientin, L-Abrine, Precatorin I, II, III, Abruquinone D, E, F, Abrussaponin I, II, Gallic acid, Trigonelline, Aggulutinin-I, dan Abrusin.

Just so you know, based on research, there are about 30 chemicals contained in both the leaves, roots, seeds, and saga flowers.

Saga leaves are also not only popular as herbal medicine in Indonesia, but also used in Brazil, Afghanistan, Cambodia, India, Africa, etc.

Although it is often considered a wild plant, this one plant has ingredients that are beneficial to health.

In addition, this leaf is also included in the 1994 Indonesian Medicinal Plants Inventory list.

 *10 Benefits of Saga Leaves for Health* 

Seeing a number of its ingredients, it is not surprising that this plant is widely used for health and healing.

Here are the various health benefits of saga leaves.

1. Helps Overcome Cough

The benefits of saga leaves for coughs are obtained from their antitussive properties. Antitussives are drugs that suppress coughs. Antitussives are thought to work by inhibiting the coordination area for cough located in the brainstem, altering the cough reflex arc.

The water of saga leaves has a sweet taste which can soothe the throat. Drinking saga leaf boiled water or saga leaf tea can help relieve coughs and other unpleasant symptoms such as an itchy throat and hoarseness.

2. Overcome Thrush

Apart from coughing, the benefits of saga leaves that are no less popular are overcoming canker sores. This property comes from several active ingredients of the abrus lactone, abrusgenic acid, and its methyl derivatives.

To treat thrush with saga leaves, you can dry the saga leaves and chew them for a few seconds, but don't swallow them. In addition, you can also make natural mouthwash with saga leaf boiled water. Boil 10 grams of saga leaves with 1/2 liter of water until it boils. Strain and use boiled water 2-3 times a day to rinse your mouth.

3. Helps Relieve Heat In

Heartburn symptoms such as dry throat, dry and cracked lips, or canker sores can be treated with saga leaves. 

You do this by boiling about 10-15 sheets with 2 cups of water. Wait until cool, strain, then can be drunk.

4. Helps Overcome Diarrhea

You can use Saga leaves to treat diarrhea. This cooking water is believed to cure inflammation of the urinary tract on a moderate scale and cure problems in other digestive tracts.

5. Helps Overcome Fever

Fever is a condition in which the body temperature rises from the normal temperature of 37.5 degrees Celsius. 

The most common cause of fever is a viral or bacterial infection. Fever can also be a symptom of certain diseases.

In Chinese medicine, saga leaves are used to treat fever.

The trick is to process saga leaves into herbal extracts or teas which are then drunk when you have a fever.

6. Overcoming Stomach Pain

Stomach pain is a problem that is often experienced by most of the people. The cause of stomach pain itself is generally due to infection from food.

 Symptoms vary, such as stomach cramps, pain or aches.

In traditional East African medicine, they treat stomach aches with saga leaves.

You do this by processing these leaves into juice or eating them directly. Saga leaves can help remove toxins through defecation.

7. Helps Overcome Asthma

Asthma is a condition in which the airways become inflamed, narrow or swollen and produce excess mucus that makes breathing difficult.

In Ayurvedic medicine, saga leaves can be used to treat asthma problems.

Ayurvedic itself is one of the oldest holistic medicine in the world.

The method of healing uses root and leaf extracts of saga and alternative methods of treating various diseases, including asthma.

8. Overcoming eye pain

In traditional Indian medicine, saga leaves are believed to be efficacious for treating sore eyes.

The trick is to use the extract of saga root and leaf decoction as eye drops.
This traditional medicine can treat various eye disorders, such as :
• Red eye;
• Dry eyes;
• Sore eyes; and
• Eyestrain.

9. Overcoming Insect And Snake Bites

Many traditional people in the world believe that saga leaves are efficacious for dealing with insect and snake bites.

The trick is to use saga root and leaf extracts to determine the poison or exposure to infection from the bite.

10. Dispels Premature Aging

A study from the University of Vienna states that saga leaves have high levels of antioxidants. Consuming saga leaf boiled water can overcome premature aging.

In addition, making a mask for the face from saga leaves makes the skin tighter.

Hopefully the information that I have described in this article can be of use to you. Thank you..

Nasywan Ramadhan - OTKP 1


  1. Terimakasih infonya, sangat bermanfaat!!!

  2. artikelnya bagus sgt membantu

  3. Artikelnya bagus dan bermanfaat

  4. Sangat membantu sekali saya kasih bintang 5

  5. Bagus dan bermanfaat

  6. Woow, it turns out that there are so many benefits of saga leaves that rarely people know. Good information bro.

  7. I just found out about the benefits of saga leaves, thank you man.

  8. bermanfaat artikelnya

  9. terimakasih artikelnya

  10. bermanfaat artikelnya

  11. terimakasih artikelnya

  12. Artikel nya sangat membantu, terimakasih

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