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Aloe Vera Articles : Explanation, Benefits, Characteristics and How to Cultivate


Aloe Vera Explanation

Aloe vera Generally grows in areas where the air is dry and tropical, such as in Indonesia. Aloe vera is a plant that has many benefits. Not just a room decoration plant, aloe vera is also widely processed into a mixture of ingredients for beauty, health, and food and beverage products.

Aloe vera is widely used as a natural ingredient in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Aloe vera is also found in many products such as drinks, rubs for the skin, or external medicine for burns. Although it is widely used both traditionally and commercially, clinical trials of this plant have not proven the effectiveness or safety of aloe vera extract for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.


The characteristics of Aloe Vera

       ·       The characteristics of the aloe vera stem, the stems are at the very bottom or near the roots that contain woody fibers, about 4 to 5 cm long, so it is only natural that many people cannot distinguish between the stems and leaves of the aloe vera plant.


·       Characteristics of Aloe vera leaves, which are wide at the tip of the tapered with thorns, in addition to the base of the leaves at the top there are also thorns. This leaf is almost similar to the stem, but the difference is that the thorns have no woody fibers and are longer than the stem.


·       Characteristics of Aloe vera flowers will appear when they are old enough, located in the top of the leaf which is approximately 1 meter long. Usually, the aloe vera plant will be difficult to find flowers if it is cultivated commercially, it is different if the aloe vera plant is in the wild because if it is free aloe vera will grow more fertile nothing can interfere with the process of growth and development.


·       Root Characteristics Aloe vera plants,have roots that are fairly short and spread fibers. This root has a function as a means of absorbing water and nutrients in the soil and translocating it throughout       the plant body. In addition, the roots have a function as reinforcement for the plant body so that it is not easily collapsed when hit by wind or other disturbing creatures.


Health benefits of aloe vera

5 health benefits of aloe vera:                                   

        ·       Aloe vera to accelerate healing of external wounds

      Aloe vera or aloe vera contains anti-inflammatory properties which are useful for healing external wounds. And also the anti-bacterial content in it is effective against infections caused by bacteria so as to 

      speed up wound recovery.

 ·       Aloe vera to treat irritation

      Sometimes without causing irritation or inflammation of the skin, such as eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea. To deal with irritation and inflammation there is nothing wrong if you try to treat it using aloe vera.

 ·       Aloe vera to boost immunity

      Aloe vera will help absorption of vitamins and minerals that are useful for the body optimally so that immunity will increase. You can consume aloe vera in the form of a drink, namely aloe vera juice or  


 ·       Aloe vera to remove dental plaque

      Aloe vera, which is used as a mouthwash to reduce and kill plaque on teeth, has an effect similar to chlorhexidine or an antimicrobial antiseptic.

 ·       Lowering blood sugar

      Another benefit of aloe vera is to lower blood sugar levels. Several studies have shown that those who regularly consume aloe vera have lower blood sugar levels because the natural compounds in aloe  

      vera increase insulin sensitivity.

How to Cultivate Aloe Vera

Following are the stages of aloe vera cultivation; 

     ·       Land Preparation for Aloe Vera Cultivation

    Aloe vera is planted on dry land or flat field systems, the land is cultivated in the rainy season so that the plants are fertile. Aloe vera is planted at the beginning of the rainy season with sufficient water capacity with a good drainage system and close to springs. The temperature needed to grow an aloe vera plant is around 30 degrees Celsius with a pH of 4.5 to 5.5 and an altitude of 100-700 above sea level. The land is cultivated with a depth of 30-40 cm on the surface of the top soil, then it is left to rest for about 15 days, after 15 days make a 20-30 cm deep patch.

       ·       Aloe Vera Nursery and Planting

    Aloe vera seeds can be taken from the saplings that are attached to the brood by prying them. The age of planting for transplanting seedlings is about 3-4 months, planted in small polybags or can be planted directly in open land with a planting depth of about 10 cm or more so that the plants do not collapse when hit by the wind.

        ·       Care for Aloe Vera

     Fertilization is done after the plants are 3-4 months old using urea, KCL, TSP with doses of 1, ½, and 1 or according to the size of the polybags. In addition to the fertilizers that have been mentioned, the use of compost is prioritized so that the plants are more fertile and the content of vitamins and substances that are beneficial to the body is not affected by the chemicals in chemical fertilizers. The right time to do stocking on the aloe vera plant is after the plant is about 3 months old by elevating the soil mounds that surround the plant stems. This is the right time to do fertilization. In addition to the fertilization and planting process, in the treatment process it is also important to know how to control weeds and control pests and diseases (OPT). Weeds can be controlled by crossing out or using herbicides, while for pest control using insecticides or fungicides. The disease that commonly attacks the aloe vera plant is the fungal disease Fusarium Sp. This disease can attack the base of the stem and the base of the leaves which eventually rot and die. The fungicide used to kill fungal diseases contains active ingredients such as captafol or dazomete.


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