Articles of Inheritance in Plant Breeding
As science and technology advance, a number of scientists have been able to engineer genetics for various human interests. The application of molecular biology techniques to change the genetic makeup of plant chromosomes has been successful so as to change its genetic expression system or also referred to as breeding. The goal is to create a new kind that better suits human tastes.
A. Understanding of Plant Breeding
Plant breeding is the activity of changing the genetic makeup of individuals as well as plant populations for a purpose. Plant breeding is sometimes likened to plant breeding, the activity of nurturing plants to multiply, and maintaining purity. In fact, captive breeding activities are part of breeding. In addition to breeding, breeding seeks to improve genetic quality so that more beneficial plants are obtained.
B. Plant Breeding Purposes
The purpose of plant breeding is based on long-term strategies to anticipate various changes in consumer direction or environmental circumstances. There is a general purpose in plant breeding: Increased certainty to high yield Improvement of the quality of the resulting products.
C. The Benefits of Plant Breeding
The application of genetic engineering is very helpful in meeting the needs of human life, among others providing future food needs with better quality, being used as an alternative to renewable energy sources, such as biomass and biofuels that can replace conventional energy sources. Health care and medicine will also be more effective as well as better agricultural efficiency and relatively less use of chemical pesticides.
D. Examples of Plants from Breeding
1. Guava Seedless – Crystal Guava
Guava (psidium guajava), must be a lot of seeds. How to consume guava, therefore it should be by swallowing seeds didiemeter about 1 mm, which is very large in number and fused with the flesh of the fruit. This is what consumers don't like. Therefore, guava fruit, especially red fleshy, is often made juice.
Guava is believed by the public, can accelerate the healing of people with dengue fever. With made juice, guava seeds or putuh, can be filtered until not swallowed when the juice is enjoyed.
In Thailand, guava is consumed only part of its thick "skin". While the flesh of the fruit that has seeds is discarded. Same with the way they consume harp fruit. What is eaten is not the flesh of the fruit that coats the seeds, but rather the skin that is in Indonesia is instead discarded.
In Indonesia there are guava sukun. Unseeded guava. But the fruit is small and the productivity is very low. That's why when word got out about taiwan's guava, fruit plant collectors immediately scrambled to hunt it down. Because of this taiwanese guava, the fruit is the size of a bangkok guava which is famous for its massive. In addition, productivity is also high.
The characteristic feature of taiwan's guava is that the leaves are thick, dark green and stocky. Different from our guava, the leaves are thinner and the green color is slightly faded.
The benefits of crystal guava for health include high vitamin C content can improve the body's immune system, antitumor, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory, as well as being able to prevent premature aging.
To obtain this crystal guava is also very easy. As in some areas of Bogor regency namely Rancabungur sub-district and Caringin sub-district which makes guava crystal as one of the superior commodities.
2. Two-colored Apples
On colaton relaigh farm, Devon, England, fruit is found apples that are thought to be the result of mutations. Ken Morrish, a farmer who spreads apples, is not an apple that is done by both half green and half red, with a dividing line right in the middle.
An expert on fruit and plants from Wisley Park in Surry, England, Jim Arbury, said the apple was the result of a random genetic mutation. The result of this mutation is known as Chimera where one of the first two cells grows differently.
According to the BBC, the odds of apples having two half-and-a-half colours like this are 1 to a million. That means that out of a million apples, there will only be one such apple.
3. Purple String Beans
Long beans are the most popular vegetable among the public. Whether old, young, children, rich, poor people, everyone must've seen this vegetable. This is a vegetable for everyone, all groups. There are plant proteins and natural fibers. And importantly long beans do not cause uric acid.
Generally, pea pods are green, light green or white green, all of which have their own advantages. But there are long beans with purple pods. In addition to protein and fiber, purple pods also contain anthocyanins that are very beneficial to humans. Anthocyanins are anti-oxidant, so it can inhibit oxidation. Thus, eating long purple beans will inhibit cell aging so that we are more youthful, smoother skin, maybe even smoother.
4. Carisya Papaya
Carisya Papaya variety is a breeding papaya variety developed by the Breeding Team of the Center for The Study of Tropical Fruits IPB, namely Prof. Dr. Sriani Sujiprihati and Tim. This variety was released by the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia on May 26, 2010.
Carisya papaya fruit weighs about 497 - 649 grams per piece, oval shaped, small in size with a length of about 16-18 cm and the diameter of the fruit about 7-8 cm. Carisya's other papaya features are the flesh of the fruit is reddish orange with a sweet taste and the skin of the fruit is red tinge green.
This plant adapts well in low to medium land with a height of 100-450 meters above sea level. The productivity of this variety is 28 – 40 tons per hectare per 4 months.
5. Watermelon without Seeds
The first is to use genetic tricks to produce it. Usually watermelons are diploid, meaning they have two sets of 11 chromosomes. Seedless watermelon is triploid because it has 3 sets of chromosomes and is sterile.
To produce seedless watermelons, diploid watermelons are pounded by tetraploid watermelons (4 chromosomes). In the process of reproduction, the watermelon only gets one chromosome from the diploid parent and two from the tetraploid that makes it triploid. Since triploids have three sets, eggs in watermelons never form and thus seeds do not grow.
The second is to use a drug called Colchicine, a chromosomal modifier chemical. The drug is toxic even though people have used it for the treatment of rheumatism and gout without FDA approval. Colchicine changes the chromosomal number in the seed from 2 to 4. After that, the seeds are pounded with natural watermelon chromosome 2. Genetically modified watermelon products with 3 chromosomes. So, both processes are called genetic engineering.
The second way to produce seedless watermelons is much more dangerous. The danger of genetically modified foods for health is that if we consume genetically modified foods, it slowly poisons the body.
Name : Dhea Aulia Puspitasari
Class : X AKL 2
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