Benefits of Betel Leaf for Health
Benefits of Betel Leaf for Health
Betel leaf is a type of plant that is very well known by the people of Indonesia. Of course, because the benefits of betel leaf are very diverse. The benefits of betel leaf cannot be separated from various ingredients such as vitamin C, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, carotene, tanning, saponins, eugenol, and various types of essential oils they contain.
Betel leaf is also quite popular for its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and skin-cooling properties. The benefits of betel leaf are proven to be effective in overcoming various disease problems, especially on the skin. In addition to the benefits of betel leaf for the skin, when these leaves are consumed, the betel leaf can provide benefits for the health of the body, one of which is a medicine for diabetes and gout.
1. Antiseptic
Benefits of the first betel leaf as an antiseptic. This benefit comes from the polyphenol content, especially chavicol which provides double protection from various types of germs. In fact, because of these ingredients, betel leaf is also widely used to treat arthritis and orchitis.
2. Analgesics
Betel leaf is useful as an analgesic which will reduce pain due to wounds, bruises, rashes, and so on. To get the benefits of this betel leaf, simply mash a few pieces of betel leaf and stir until it becomes a paste. Then apply to the body that hurts.
3. Reduce body odor
The next benefits of betel leaf are also quite popular in Indonesian society. Betel leaf can reduce body odor due to the content of estradiol and clavicle. This content is useful in reducing excess body odor. This is because estradiol and clavicle can regulate the production of hormones in the sweat glands. To maximize the benefits of this betel leaf, just drink the betel leaf boiled water regularly.
4. Relieve constipation
Betel leaf is able to clean free radicals from the body, then it will restore normal PH levels in the body. This will be useful for helping with stomach upset and constipation. To use betel leaves to relieve constipation, crush the betel leaf and put it in ai, then leave it overnight and drink the water in the morning when the stomach is still empty.
5. Maintain the digestive system
Betel leaf has properties that help protect the intestines. Betel leaf will work by increasing metabolism which triggers circulation and stimulates the intestines to absorb essential vitamins and nutrients.
6. Stop nosebleeds
The benefits of this betel leaf have long been used by Indonesians. The content of phenyl popies and terpenes in betel leaf is the main key. How to use betel leaf to stop nosebleeds simply roll the betel leaf according to the size of the nose, then insert it into the nosebleed. But don't forget to wash the betel leaves first.
7. Maintain respiratory health
Betel leaf can help in the treatment of respiratory ailments such as chest pain, lungs, and asthma. How to use? Just dab a little mustard oil on the leaves. Then heat and place on the chest until breathing begins to feel comfortable. Apart from external medicine, betel leaves can also be boiled and then added with cardamom, cloves, and cinnamon. By consuming this concoction two to three times a day regularly, it can maintain respiratory health.
8. Maintain the health of female organs
The benefits of this betel leaf are because it is able to fight bad bacteria such as Candida which can cause vaginal discharge or leukorrhea. You do this by washing clean and then boiling 5-10 betel leaves in 250 ml of water. After that, use the betel leaf boiled water to wash the female area.
9. Cure acne
The antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties of betel leaves can cure acne on the face, back, and chest area. You do this by cleaning a few betel leaves. Then mash until smooth and boil. Then take the water using a towel and attach it to the skin with acne.
10. Treating coughs
The benefits of betel leaf can then be used to treat coughs. You do this by washing 5 betel leaves and boiling them in 300 ml of water. After boiling, take the water and drink it while warm. To restore the normal PH level in the body. This will be useful for helping with stomach upset and constipation. To use betel leaves to relieve constipation, crush the betel leaf and put it in ai, then leave it overnight and drink the water in the morning when the stomach is still empty.
Nama : Syeilana Nur Afifah
Absen : 32
Kelas : X OTKP 2
Bagus lan!! Semangat!
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ReplyDeletewoww impresive
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ReplyDeletesangatt bermanfaattt terimakasihhh🙏🙏
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ReplyDeletebagussss laaaa, semangattt yyaaa 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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ReplyDeletebagus banget !!
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ReplyDeleteterimakasih sudah membagikan artikel ini! sangat bermanfaat!
ReplyDeletea really heplful blog and i love it, keep it up!!
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ReplyDeleteBagus la bermanfaat juga , semangat cantik
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ReplyDeleteVery very very helpfull, fighting
ReplyDeletesangat bermanfaat 👍
ReplyDeletewaw bermanfaat sekalii
ReplyDeleteKeren banget lana , ketika aku membaca artikel ini otak ku yang awalnya kosong mulai terisi dengan ilmu yang bermanfaat
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Its a very good and helpful information, thanks a lot!!
ReplyDeleteMakasihhh, jadi paham sekarangg, semangat teruss!!
ReplyDeleteWah keren banget artikelnya, bermanfaat, semoga sukses dan semangat terus yaa!!!
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ReplyDeletebermanfaaatt sekalii terimakasih!!
ReplyDeleteterimakasih! sangat membantuuu info nya!
ReplyDeleteTerimakasih! Infonya sangat membantu!!!
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ReplyDeleteterimakasih lana, artikelnya sangat bermanfaat
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ReplyDeletebagus bangett, sangat bermanfaat!!
ReplyDeleteTerimakasih!artikelnya sangat bermanfaat
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ReplyDeletebagus banget!
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ReplyDeletebagus bangett, semangatt ya laa
ReplyDeleteGilaa sihh ini bagus bett ya allah fixx valid no debat jelas no kecot
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ReplyDeletebaguss bgt!!
ReplyDeletemengedukasi bangett😻😻😻😻
ReplyDeletebagussss, sangattt mudah dipahamii terimakasih
ReplyDeletebagussss, sangattt mudah dipahamii terimakasih
ReplyDeletebaguss, sangat mudah dipahami terimakasih
ReplyDeleteterimakasih artikelnya bermanfaat sekalii
ReplyDeletethis is so helpfulll!! makaasiii
ReplyDeleteInfonya sangat bermanfaat, terimakasih.
ReplyDeleteSangat bermanfaat sekali artikelnya. Bagus banget. Semoga dapat memberikan inovasi lagi kedepannya
ReplyDeleteVery good articel, thanks for information
ReplyDeleteArtikelnya bagus, menambah ilmu..
ReplyDeleteKeren 👍🏻👍🏻...
ReplyDeletelanjutkan Terus buat artikel yg bermanfaat nya ya ..
Waaaa makasih infonya. Bagus sekali
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ReplyDeletewiiih keren banget makasih udah sebarin info ini!
ReplyDeleteartikelnya bagus dan bermanfaat
ReplyDeletebermanfaat sekali
ReplyDeleteHappy to see your article, it's very useful
ReplyDeleteTerimakasih infonya semoga bermanfaat
ReplyDeleteBagus dan sangat membantu
ReplyDeleteTerimakasih, sangat bermanfaat
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ReplyDeleteArtikelnya banyak memberikan manfaat yg positif.
ReplyDeletebagus banget dan menginspirasi .pertahankan :)
ReplyDeletesangat bagus dalam penyampaian di artikel ini dan memberikan pengetahuan
ReplyDeletegood idea
ReplyDeleteyour articel very very good. thank you
ReplyDeletesangat membantu sekali khususnya bagi yang belum mengetahui benar manfaat dari daun sirih ini
ReplyDeleteSangat bermanfaat dan menambah pengetahuan
ReplyDeleteGood Job ! 👍🏻
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