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Benefits of Betel Leaves

Betel is a native Indonesian plant that grows vines on the trunks of other trees. The characteristics of the betel plant include, the leaves are about 5-8 cm long and 2-5 cm wide, the leaves are single in the shape of a heart, and emit a sweet smell when squeezed. The characteristics of the betel stem are greenish brown, round, segmented and are where the roots come out


Betel leaves are very important role in life and serves as a traditional Malay rumpun ceremony. In Indonesia, betel is a typical flora of the Riau Islands province. The people of Riau Islands highly uphold the culture of the betel eating ceremony, especially during the welcoming ceremony for guests and using betel as a medicine for various types of diseases


The following is the use of betel leaf which is often used by Indonesians:


1. As An Antiseptic

Betel leaf as an antiseptic has long been used by Indonesian people. By boiling the betel leaf, the antibacterial content in the boiled water which contains the betel leaf is very effective in killing bacteria or germs. Research shows that the antiseptic in betel leaf liquid is superior to chemical antiseptic soap


2. Overcome Nosebleeds

The antioxidant content of tannins in betel leaf is useful for accelerating the body's response to healing wounds, namely by clotting blood faster and closing the tears in blood vessels in the nose. In fact, the benefits of further betel leaf are to increase the body's immune system. Strong body resistance makes inflammation or wounds heal quickly.


3. Anti Inflammatory (in pain inflammation)

The high polyphenol content called chavicol in betel leaves makes these leaves have very strong anti-inflammatory properties. By consuming boiled water of betel leaf, the pain that arises in the body will be relieved. anti-inflammatory is also recommended for women who have menstrual pain


4. Reduces Mouth and Body Odor

The content of eugenol and capitol found in red betel leaves is also useful for overcoming bad breath. The benefits of this red betel leaf can be obtained by gargling the betel leaf for a while, and the problem of bad breath can be resolved.


5. Relieves Coughs

One of the properties of betel leaf which is still believed to be its ability to overcome coughs. Betel leaf boiled water is able to overcome coughs, because it contains Vitamins B, C and alkaloids to treat inflammation that causes coughs. Prepare 5 betel leaves, then boil them in 300 ml of water for 15-20 minutes. Drink it once a day


Betel leaf care is very easy, only requires good seeds with plant support such as gamal or moringa trees. Because its preservation is very easy, it's no wonder so many Indonesians have their own betel tree in their homes

Desma Sekar Maulieda



  1. Penjelasan nya keren, singkat, padat dan lebih gampang dipahamin

  2. desma, plis banget lu nulis apaaa!!! gue gapaham sayy. yaallaahh. keren iya, singkat iya, padat apalagi, gampang nggak. pliss nangis

  3. great content! very educational 🥰

  4. this article is really informative!

  5. penjelasannya bagus

  6. Bagus banget menarik

  7. Ihh keren banget, menarik untuk dibaca

  8. keren bnget udah, bahasanya udah bagus cuma sayang aja gue gapaham des:)


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