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Cassava Benefits of cassava for health

Cassava  Benefits of cassava for health      From some of the nutritional content contained in it, cassava can actually provide benefits for our health.    Here are some of the health benefits of cassava that you should know:    1. High source of carbohydrates    As we know, cassava is high in calories and carbohydrates. Therefore, cassava can be a staple food choice to replace rice.    The calories contained in cassava are higher than other tubers. Sweet potatoes contain only 76 calories, while beets contain only 44 calories.    However, if you choose cassava as your main carbohydrate source, don't forget to balance it with protein. Because if not, these high calories can lead to weight gain.    2. Help the diet lose weight    The high calories contained in cassava can actually make us feel fuller for longer. Therefore the appetite for snacking and overeating can be reduced.    So, if you want to start a diet, you can start by changing rice to cassava. You can eat cassava with various modifications, from stewing to processing it into cakes.    3. Helps cure diarrhea    Reported by web md, cassava boiled water given added salt can actually help overcome dehydration experienced by sufferers of diarrhea.    However, this can only work if dehydration is still at mild to moderate levels. If dehydration is already at an acute level, it needs further treatment from the medical personnel.    Easy processing method, just peel and clean the cassava until clean and boil until boiling. Drink the boiled water when it's cold 2 times a day.

nama : seila putri riyani
kelas : X OTKP 2


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