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Hubungan mutualisme antara ikan badut dan Anemon laut dalam keseimbangan alam

     mutualism relationship between clownfish and sea anemones in natural balance

   In this world, it is not only humans who interact with each other, animals, plants, and microorganisms, but it is different from humans. In animals and plants, interaction means a reciprocal relationship between two types which can be detrimental or beneficial. A mutualism relationship is a relationship between two different types of living things that are mutually beneficial. This symbiosis is important for the ecosystem. There are several examples of living things experiencing mutualism symbiosis.
1. Butterflies and flowers
2. Humans and E. coli
3. Rhizobium bacteria and legumes
4. The bird and buffalo
5. Clownfish and sea anemones
     Therefore, this discussion focuses on clown fish and sea aenmon.y
    Clown fish are tropical reef fish that live in warm waters on coral reef areas with a depth of less than 50 cm and clear water. Clown fish are relatively large, especially in the Indo Pacific area. Clown fish are omnivorous fish that consume zooplankton, small invertebrates (crustacean) , and parasites attached to the body of anemones and benthic algae.
    Sea anemones are animals from the Anthozoa class that at first glance look like coral plants. Anemone's body is divided into three main parts, kolumah or body, and oral disc. Pedal disc is a tool used to attach to sandstone. All marine anemones are sedentary. Anemones can be found from the coast to the sea to a depth of 99 m. anemones are generally carnivorous. Anemones are not only organisms that become jewelry in underwater gardens but can be useful for creatures in the sea as well as humans. Anemone also has commensalism symbiosis with certain types of small fish, for example, clown fish.
    The presence of clown fish around sea anemones will make other fish present. The fish will be food from the sea anemone. Meanwhile, clown fish can hide behind sea anemones when there are sedators. Clown fish can also be attacked by parasites. Sea anemones will be a place to clean dirt or parasites that endanger clown fish. Sea anemones are used as a place to live for clown fishr



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