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The livestock goat (Capra aegagrus hircus) is a subspecies of goat that is raised or domesticated from wild goats in Southwest Asia and Eastern Europe. Goats are members of the Bovidae family and are siblings with sheep because they both belong to the Caprinae sub-family. There are more than 300 different types of goats. The goat is one of the longest-bred species for milk, meat, fur and skin worldwide.
Goats are medium sized ruminants. Male and female wild goats have a pair of horns, but the horns of the male goats are bigger. Generally, goats have beards, convex foreheads, slightly upward tails, and mostly have straight and coarse hair. The body length of the wild goat, excluding the tail, is 1.3 meters - 1.4 meters, while the tail is 12 centimeters - 15 centimeters. Female goats weigh 50 kilograms - 55 kilograms, while males can reach 120 kilograms. Its preferred habitat is rocky mountainous areas.
The goat reaches maturity around three to 15 months of age, depending on the breed and its health.
Goats are known to be able to eat anything, including cans and paper. Although in fact they do not eat inedible ingredients, goats are grappling animals, unlike cows and sheep which grimace, even (with a very curious nature) they are able to chew and taste anything that resembles the slightest bit. plant forms to determine which food is good to eat, including paper, clothing and cans. Goats prefer to grab vines such as green beans, shrubs and weeds, rather than eating grass, which is more like a deer than a sheep.
Here are the benefits of goat meat for men and women 5 benefits of goat meat for men, namely Preventing hypotension, Containing prostate anticancer fatty acids, blood circulation, good cholesterol for the body, Containing lots of protein for vitality. 5 benefits of goat meat for women, namely preventing cancer, anti-inflammatory, burning fat, preventing anemia, improving mental health.
Nama : Adhan Alkausar (01)
Kelas : X BDP 1


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