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let's get to know ginger more



Ginger has the scientific name Zingiber officinale, is a rhizome plant that is popular as a spice and medicinal ingredient (live pharmacy). Ginger is a monocot plant. The ginger plant has a bulging rhizome shape and has segments in the middle.

The habitat of ginger plants, among others, is in the tropics. Has fertile soil. About 80% humidity and pH around 5.5 to 7.0. The land is not inundated by water.

The characteristics of the ginger plant include fiber roots. The ginger plant's stems are jointed underground. Ginger stems are tubers to store food reserves (rhizomes). Long ginger plant leaves with parallel leaf bones.


How to plant the right ginger

• Select the type of ginger you want


The first correct way to immerse ginger is to choose a quality type of ginger. Make sure to choose quality ginger seeds. The characteristics are those that have a large rhizome size, are still fresh and not wrinkled, intact and have no traces of pests and parasites, and the color of the rhizomes is still bright.

Currently, there are several types of ginger that are commonly used as a spice in cooking and in traditional medicine, namely: Large white ginger with yellowish-white tubers and measuring 8-8.5 cm. Small white ginger with yellowish white tubers, layers, 3-4 cm in size, and red ginger with red or light orange tubers, layered, strong smelling, and measuring 4-4.5 cm.


• Growing Shoots


The next way to grow ginger at home is to grow the shoots. If the ginger seeds have been selected, place them in a cool room or on the ground. Store in a dry place and not exposed to direct sunlight. Flush with water and leave it for some time until the ginger looks like it is sprouting.

Check regularly whether there are rotten seeds. Rotten seeds must be separated immediately so that they do not spread to other seeds. The seeds that have sprouted are ready for planting. Ginger can be transferred to the planting medium after the shoots are 1-2 cm in size.


• Prepare the planting media


After choosing the type of ginger you want to plant, the next way to grow ginger is to prepare the planting medium. Apart from planting in open ground, you can also use pots or polybags.

Prepare the soil that has been loosened or plowed, then given the manure. You can plant it in a pot measuring 30 cm x 35 cm. This pot is sufficient for growing 3-4 pieces of ginger.

If using polybags, the ratio of soil to manure is 1: 1.

The soil that has been given manure is then left to stand for one week so that the natural fermentation process occurs. That is so that the soil is more readily planted with ginger


• How to Grow Ginger Well


The next way to plant ginger is to enter the sprouted seeds into the planting medium. Don't forget to leave the soil and manure for a week. Enter the ginger seeds into each planting hole or poly bag, then cover with soil.

Plant each piece of ginger 5 to 10 cm deep in loose soil, buds up. If planted in rows, space each cut 20 centimeters apart. If using a pot, plant each cut in one large pot (about 35 cm in diameter).

Do not cover the seedlings too tightly at the shoots so they can grow freely. Shoots will grow in about 2 weeks. Then sprinkle anti-fungal (furadan) to prevent fungal growth on the plant.

Also water it with water, then monitor its growth. If the shoots do not grow to the surface of the soil, rot may occur and the seedlings must be replaced. It is recommended that ginger be planted after the rainy season and enter the dry season. Because red ginger seeds are prone to rot if the rainfall is high.



• Caring for the grown ginger


The correct way to grow ginger at home is to take care of it until harvest. For ginger to grow well, keep the pot out of direct sunlight and place it in a temperature of 24-30 degrees Celsius. Ginger may not grow in cold environments or grow slowly.

Flush ginger every day with enough water. The water should not stagnate so that the ginger does not rot. Therefore, make sure the pot you use has a good drainage system.

You can harvest ginger after it is at least 8 months after planting or about 10-12 months. However, there is also ginger that is harvested when it is only 4 months old to be processed into drinks or pickles. However, you should be careful when harvesting young ginger because the skin is thin and bruises easily.


Benefits of Ginger :

1. Relieve Muscle Pain

2. Relieve menstrual cramps

3. Helps Relieve Pain

4. Calm the Digestive System

5. Reducing Mild Nausea

6. Overcoming Inflammation

7. Lowering Blood Sugar



Nama : Najwa Luthfa Kamila

Kelas  : X PB 1



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