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Mangrove Plants

Mangrove plants are forests that grow in brackish water, and are affected by the tides of sea water. This forest grows especially in places where there is siltation and accumulation of organic matter. Mangrove ecosystems are distinctive, both due to silting which results in less soil abrasion, high soil salinity, as well as experiencing a cycle of inundation by tides. Only a few plant species survive in such a place, and most of these species are unique to mangroves because they have undergone a process of adaptation and evolution. 

Mangrove forest plant species vary, because they react to variations (changes) in the physical environment above, giving rise to certain vegetation zones. Some of these physical environmental factors are as follows:
• Soil type Edit
As a depositional area, the substrate on the coast can be very different. The most common are mangroves growing on clay mud mixed with organic matter. In some places, however, this organic matter is so much in proportion, there are even mangrove forests that grow on peat soils.
• Exposed to the waves
The outside or the front of the mangrove forest facing the open sea often has to be subjected to strong waves and strong water currents. Unlike the interior, which is quieter, mangroves are also one of the natural shields that hold back big waves.
• Inundation by high tide
The outer part also experiences the longest tidal inundation compared to the other parts, sometimes even continuously submerged. On the other hand, parts of the interior of the forest may only be submerged by sea water during the highest tide once or twice a month.

Facing the extreme environment in mangroves, plants adapt in many ways. Physically, most of the mangrove vegetation grows distinctive organs for survival. Like the various forms of roots and salt glands in the leaves. But there are also forms of physiological adaptation. Mangrove trees (Rhizophora spp.), Which usually grow in the outer zone, develop stilt roots to withstand the ferocity of the waves. The types of api-api (Avicennia spp.) And pidada (Sonneratia spp.) Grow breath roots (pneumatophore) that emerge from thick mud to extract oxygen from the air. Kendeka trees (Bruguiera spp.) Have knee roots, while nirih trees (Xylocarpus spp.) Have plank roots that extend and twist, both to support the tree's upright on the mud, while also getting air for its breathing.  In addition, most types of mangrove vegetation have lenticels, the pore holes in the trees to breathe.

Various types of plants are found in mangrove forests. However, only about 54 species from 20 genera, members of about 16 tribes, are considered true mangrove species. Namely, the species that are found to live in a limited environment in mangrove forests and rarely grow outside. Of these types, around 39 species are found growing in Indonesia;  making Indonesia's mangrove forests the most species-rich in the Indian and Pacific Ocean environments. The total known species, including associated mangrove species, are 202 species. 

The following is a list of true mangrove tribes and genera, along with the number of species (modified from Tomlinson, 1986) : 
• The main constituent
1) Acanthaceae (syn.: Avicenniaceae or Verbenaceae) : Avicennia (9).
2) Combretaceae : Laguncularia (11), Lumnitzera (2).
3) Arecaceae : Nypa (1).
4) Rhizophoraceae : Bruguiera (6), Ceriops (2), Kandelia (1), Rhizophora (8).
5) Sonneratiaceae : Sonneratia (5)
• Minor composer :
1) Acanthaceae : Acanthus (1), Bravaisia (2).
2) Bombacaceae : Camptostemon (2).
3) Cyperaceae : Fimbristylis (1).
4) Euphorbiaceae : Excoecaria (2).
5) Lythraceae : Pemphis (1).
6) Meliaceae : Xylocarpus (2).
7) Myrsinaceae : Aegiceras (2).
8) Myrtaceae : Osbornia (1).
9) Pellicieraceae : Pelliciera (1).
10) Plumbaginaceae : Aegialitis (2).
11) Pteridaceae : Acrostichum (3).
12) Rubiaceae : Scyphiphora (1).
13) Sterculiaceae : Heritiera (2,3).

From an economic point of view, mangrove forests produce several types of good quality wood, as well as non-timber products or what are commonly referred to as Non-Timber Forest Products (HHBK), in the form of wood charcoal, tannins, dyes and cosmetics, as well as food and beverage ingredients. This includes animals that are commonly caught, such as water lizards (Varanus salvator), mangrove crabs (Scylla serrata), mud shrimp (Thalassina anomala), mangrove snails (Telescopium telescopium), and various types of snails. The more important benefits of mangroves are their ecological function as coastal protection, habitat for various species of animals, and nursery ground for many types of marine fish. One of the main functions of mangrove forests is to protect the coastline from abrasion or erosion, and to absorb large waves including tsunamis.

Fethia Soliha Ramdoni (12)


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