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Marine Ecosystem

Seawater ecosystems are the most extensive ecosystems on earth. The area of the sea water ecosystem is almost more than two-thirds of the earth's surface (+ 70%), because of its size and its enormous potential, marine ecosystems are of concern to many people, especially those related to the blue revolution. Marine ecosystems or also known as marine ecosystems are ecosystems found in marine waters, consisting of deep water ecosystems, shallow sand beach ecosystems / bitarol, and tidal ecosystems.


Like freshwater ecosystems, sea water ecosystems are internal and external media for the organisms that live in them. Water is a substance that surrounds all marine organisms. Sea water at the same time is also part of the constituent or forming bodies of plants and marine animals.

. Characteristics of Sea Water Ecosystem
From the understanding of seawater ecosystems described above, we can conclude that seawater ecosystems have the following general characteristics:
1. Having a high salinity (salt content), the closer to the equator the higher it is.
2. NaCl dominates marine ecosystem minerals by up to 75%.
3. Climate and weather have little effect on marine ecosystems.
4. Has variations in temperature differences on the surface with depth.
5. Has a high mineral content, the most ion is Cl` (55%), but the salt content in the sea varies, some are high (such as in the tropics) and some are low (in cold climates).
6. Seawater ecosystems are not influenced by climate and weater
The goal of 14 TPB is to conserve and sustainably utilize marine and oceanic resources for sustainable development. Objective 14 Ocean Ecosystem is part of the development of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, especially in the marine and coastal sector and the fisheries sector.
Types of Marine Ecosystems
Seawater ecosystems are diverse ecosystems. As the name suggests, this ecosystem is a type of interaction that occurs in marine areas characterized by high salt concentrations or in salty waters with a very large area. Berkut are the types of marine water ecosystem systems.
1. Deep sea ecosystems
This ecosystem has a specific characteristic, which is not being reached by sunlight. As a consequence, photoautotrophic organisms are not found in this ecosystem. The number of detritivores (decomposers), carnivores (meat eaters), and saprophores (garbage eaters) is very abundant in this ecosystem. Many of these organisms are equipped with organs that emit light and have very sensitive eyes.
This is an adaptation to a dark environment. The mineral cycle in deep sea aquatic ecosystems occurs due to the movement of deep-shore water to the middle of the sea at the top layer. This displacement of water is replaced by water from the area exposed to the light, resulting in water displacement from the bottom to the top.
2. Coastal Ecosystem
The next seawater ecosystem is the type of ecosystem that is easiest to find, namely the coastal ecosystem. This ecosystem is characterized by its territorial borders with terrestrial ecosystems and located in tidal areas. Because of its location, this type of ecosystem is greatly influenced by the tidal and tidal cycles of the sea water.
For the organism, in this type of ecosystem, the organism that inhabits it must have the ability to enable it to attach to hard organic molecules as a guard against the crashing waves. For example, mussels, molluscs, algae, sea anemones, clams and some other examples of organisms
3. Estuary Ecosystem (Muara)
Estuary ecosystem (estuary) is an ecosystem where river water and sea water come together. These ecosystems are often lined with intertidal mud slabs and salt marshes. The salinity of water in this ecosystem changes gradually from fresh to foreign areas. Salinity is also affected by the daily tidal cycle.
This estuary ecosystem describes a shallow, shallow area of a river mouth where fresh water mixes with salt water when it enters the sea, although the term can also refer to other areas with flowing brackish water, such as lagoons or glades. The level of salinity varies with the waves and the volume of the outflow from the river.
The organisms that inhabit estuaries are especially adapted to these different conditions; hence, species diversity tends to be lower than in the open ocean. However, the species that generally inhabit the surrounding ecosystems can sometimes be found in estuaries. Estuaries also serve an important function as nurseries for many types of fish and shrimp.
4. Coral Reefs
In tropical seas, neritic areas where the waters can still be penetrated by the sun are often covered by a special community of rock corals and certain organisms. This community is a coral reef ecosystem. The coral reef ecosystem is dominated by the growth of coral (coral) of the Cnidaria group. The animals that exist in coral reef ecosystems eat microscopic living things and other organic matter remains.
Coral reefs are a special subtype of seafloor ecosystems. Only found in warm tropical waters at relatively shallow depths. Coral reefs are among the most productive ecosystems on the planet. About a quarter of marine species depend on coral reefs for food, shelter or both.
While coral reefs are well known for attracting brightly colored exotic fish, a large number of other species such as: snails, sponges and seahorses, etc., live in coral reefs. Coral reefs themselves are produced by simple animals building an external skeleton around them.
5. Salt Wetland Estuary Ecosystem
Found in coastal areas, saltwater wetlands can be considered a special type of estuary, as they also comprise a transition zone between land and sea. These wetlands can be divided into two categories: saltwater marshes and salt marshes. Swamps and swamps differ in that the former swamps were dominated by trees while the latter were dominated by grass or reeds. Fish, shellfish, amphibians, reptiles and birds can live in seasons or migrate to wetlands. In addition, wetlands serve as protective barriers to inland ecosystems, as they provide a buffer against storm surges.

Some of the benefits of the sea water ecosystem include: As a source of food for humans, both animal and vegetable. As a climate controller in the world As a generator of wind power, wave power, and tidal power. As a place of recreation and entertainment As a place for fish farming, pearl shellfish, seaweed, and so on. As a place for mining goods to be located As a place of research as well as research As a source of drinking water As a place for transportation routes. As a place of livelihood for local residents. Reducing one component of an ecosystem can affect other parts. If you've heard the phrase ecosystem approach, it is a type of natural resource management that involves making decisions regarding the entire ecosystem. This philosophy recognizes that everything in an ecosystem is interconnected.
Some of the benefits of the sea water ecosystem include: As a source of food for humans, both animal and vegetable. As a climate controller in the world As a generator of wind power, wave power, and tidal power. As a place of recreation and entertainment As a place for fish farming, pearl shellfish, seaweed, and so on. As a place for mining goods to be located As a place of research as well as research As a source of drinking water As a place for transportation routes. As a place of livelihood for local residents. Reducing one component of an ecosystem can affect other parts. If you've heard the phrase ecosystem approach, it is a type of natural resource management that involves making decisions regarding the entire ecosystem. This philosophy recognizes that everything in an ecosystem is interconnected.
Name : Nur Fadillah 
Class : X- PB 2









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