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Rice Field Ecosystem

༶•┈┈⛧┈♛Rice Field Ecosystem♛┈⛧┈┈•༶

What is a wetland ecosystem? What are the components of the wetland ecosystem? To answer this question, consider the following explanation.

The land ecosystem is actually quite a lot, even more numerous than in the oceans. In addition, terrestrial ecosystems such as forest ecosystems, gardens, rice fields and others.

♥♡∞:。.。  Definition of Rice Field Ecosystem。.。:∞♡♥

Rice fields are fields for business that have a surface and are wet. Rice fields are usually used by humans to make a living.

Besides that, rice fields are also a type of human-made ecosystem by being flooded so that the texture is a little soft. You need to know that this rice field has various kinds of living things that make up an ecosystem.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚Kinds of Rice Fi eld Ecosystem˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

Some of these ecosystems are as follows:
1. Rainfed Rice
This type of rice field is one of the most highly dependent on rainwater. The reason is that rainwater is the source of this rice field expansion.
So as the name implies, of course this rice field will only exist during the rainy season. In addition, when the dry season hits, this field is not planted with anything until it is dry.
This type of rice field has a harvest period when it rains, which is different from other rice fields which have a harvest period of 3 months in a year.
2. Tidal Rice Fields
This type of rice field has the characteristics of being close to a river or beach. This rice field is said to be tidal because it is close to the water.
This is intended so that the waters of the rice fields are easier to flow from rivers and beaches. So when the water flow rises, of course the waters of this paddy field will run smoothly, but when the water discharge in the river decreases, of course the irrigation in the fields will decrease.
If the rice fields are close to the coast, the rice fields and their ecosystems must withstand salt water. If this ecosystem and the plants planted in rice fields adjacent to the coast do not have the resistance to salt water, then of course the rice fields will experience crop failure.You will easily find this type of rice field in Kalimantan, Java and Sumatra.
3. Lebak Rice Ecosystem
This rice field ecosystem is a rice field ecosystem that is made in the middle of a river which is large enough so that irrigation is easier to compare with the previous type.
So this type of rice field is flanked by a large river so that the irrigation is right and left. When the dry season arrives, farmers do not need to worry because irrigation is easier so that the fields will remain watered and will not experience drought.
However, when the rainy season arrives, farmers need to worry because the irrigation on the right and left and from a large river will cause the rice fields to experience flooding, resulting in crop failure.
You can find this type of rice field around the Musi River and the Ogan River to be precise in Sumatra.
4. Unseasonable Rice Field Ecosystem
The next rice field ecosystem is unseasonable rice fields. As the name suggests, this rice field will continue to harvest as usual even during the dry season or the rainy season.
This paddy field usually uses a large river. Even though it is only one river, the irrigation is still safer, it will not dry out during the dry season and will not experience flooding during the rainy season.
The big river is very beneficial for the rice fields because it will facilitate irrigation of the surrounding rice fields.
»»————>Rice Field Ecosystem Components<————««

There are components of the rice field ecosystem in the form of biotic and some in the form of abiotic. A collection of biotics such as animals and plants while abiotics such as rocks, water, sunlight and others.

✧༺♥༻✧Biotic Components✧༺♥༻✧

The biotic components are divided into three, namely:
Secondary plants are types of plants that will stick to primary plants. This plant is usually known as wild plants.

This plant will cause the harvest period to fail, therefore to overcome it, farmers must eradicate it. Some examples of secondary plants are grass and shrubs.
Animals are one type of biotic component in the rice field ecosystem. Some animals are harmful to some beneficial Animals can just help rice for the pollination period.
However, there are some animals that can interfere with the harvest period. Disturbing and harmful animals such as rats, snails and other insects.
Abiotic component
Abitotic compounds are components that exist in the ecosystem but are not alive. The elements are as follows:
Soil is one of the abiotic components that can make plants fertile. Usually the land is used for farming. However, the land must be processed first so that it will be more fertile.
Soil processing can use plowing with machine tools or animal power. Plowing on the soil is attempted so that the soil contains more oxygen so that it will be more fertile if planted with plants.
Sunlight is very useful for all living things as well as ecosystems. The reason is when plants undergo photosynthesis, sunlight has an important role in the photosynthetic process.
Air is divided into several parts, namely nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. Oxygen is used by living things to breathe, nitrogen serves to form a protein and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis in plants.
✿✼:゚:.。..。.:・゚゚・Thank you。・::・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 


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