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Some Benefits of Carrots

In the era of digital is now the majority of people already have smartphones / devices and many people spend time staring at the display device. It is not good for eye health because in the long period of time can damage our sense of sight. So, here Mas Quick will share information about carrots so that our sense of sight maintained their health. We just refer to the explanation of the following article regarding the benefits and efficacy of carrot.

The colour of the yellow/orange found in carrots indicates the content of beta carotene. Beta carotene contained in carrots an average of 12,000 IU. Experts recommend to consume carrots 15.000 - 25.000 IU per day. A high content of beta carotene that can prevent cancer are antioxidants that fight the destructive work of the cancer cells. In addition, beta carotene helps the immune system.

Some of the benefits of Carrots for health:

1.      Eyesight Is Better. The source of beta-carotene in carrots will be converted by the liver into a source of vitamin A. So no wonder, if someone regularly consume carrots in the daily menu, then the eye's health will be maintained at all times.

2.      Vegetables Are Anti-Cancer. Carrots become one of the vegetables which is very effective to ward off various types of cancers are very deadly such as cancer of the breast, lung and colon. This is due to the content of falcarinol and falcarindiol which are anticancer in a carrot.

3.      Healthier heart. The content of beta carotene, alpha carotene and lutein makes carrots are very in need by the organs of the heart. This is due to various substances that will make you avoid the various disorders or heart attack.

4.      Teeth More Healthy and Strong. Carrots instrumental in helping to remove plaque and residual food that can damage teeth and gums. This is because carrots contain certain minerals that can prevent tooth decay from time to time.

5.      Prevention of Stroke Potent. Regular consumption of carrots can reduce and prevent stroke that could threaten the safety of lives in an instant.

6.      Appear More Youthful. The content of beta-carotene which is very high in a carrot can slow down the aging of cells. So as to make a person look more youthful despite age continues to grow.

7.      Cleaning Toxins in the Body. The content of Vitamin A in carrots can cleanse organs colon and bile and fat in liver naturally and effectively.

Here are some ways the processing of Carrots for your health:

1.      Cure a cough: Take 1 carrot then wash and grate. Give a few tablespoons of hot water and wring out. Add a little palm sugar, stir until smooth. Drink 2 times in a day.

2.      Overcome Hypertension: Take 500 grams of carrots wash thoroughly and then cut into pieces, give a little boiled water and blended. Strain and drink the water 3 times in a day.

3.      Overcoming Burns: Carrot until finely ground and applied topically on burns. Do as often as possible until the wound does not feel hot.

4.      Overcoming Painful Menstruation: 250 grams of carrots wash and then cut into slices. Add a little water and blended. Drink 2 times in a day.

5.      Sublimate Face: Take 2 – 3 carrots peeled clean, then wash and grate. Then directly apply on face as a mask until dry, then rinsed with clean water.

6.      Overcoming Constipation: Take 2 carrots are still young then wash and grate. Add 2 tbsp of boiled water and a little salt, then squeeze. Drinking water 2 times a day.

7.      Overcoming Fever in Children: Take 200 grams of carrots and then wash clean. Grate and squeeze to get out the juice. Of boiled water the juice, drink while warm.

Beta carotene in carrots is also good for eye health because it can help prevent the occurrence of night blindness and improve vision the weaker. A deficiency of vitamin A or the so-called vitaminosis a can cause nyctalopia or night blindness. In the carrot is also contained pectin is good for lowering blood cholesterol. High fibre is also beneficial to prevent the occurrence of constipation. With its content of potassium in carrots, can help neutralize the acids in the blood and vitamin A helps the liver eliminate toxins in the body. Carrots raw or cooked are a source of potassium and vitamin C.

Carrots can also be consumed by way of a made carrot juice. Carrot juice mixed with milk is also vitamin A is ideal for babies. Carrot juice suitable mixed with other fruit juices. By drinking carrot juice, health problems in old age can be reduced and may be cured.


Nama: Sandy Winni Al Rasyid

Kelas: X AKL 1


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