The Benefits Of The Dandelion Flower
Dandelion is a plant with yellow flowers. Taraxacum officinale is the most common variety of this plant, and it grows in many parts of the world.
Botanists consider dandelions to be herbs. People use the leaves, stem, flower, and root of the dandelion for medicinal purposes.
There are many potential health benefits that the dandelion flower offers, here are some examples :
1. Provides Antioxidants
Dandelions contain beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage. Research shows that carotenoids such as beta-carotene play a vital role in reducing cell damage.
The flower of the dandelion is also full of polyphenols, which are another type of antioxidant.
2. Reduces Cholesterols
Dandelions contain bioactive compounds that may help lower a person's cholesterol.
3. Highly Nutritious
The nutritional content of dandelion extends to all parts of the plant. It's a rich source of many vitamins, minerals and fiber.
4. Controls Blood Sugar Levels
The bioactive compounds chicoric and chlorogenic acid present in almost all parts of this plant are beneficial in reducing the blood sugar levels and promote insulin sensitivity.
5. Fights Inflammation
It contains various bioactive compounds and polyphenols that are beneficial in reducing inflammation.
6. May Promote a Healthy Liver
Animal studies have shown that dandelion protect liver tissue from toxic substances and oxidative stress, but more research is needed to determine their effect on liver health in humans.
7. May Help With Weight Loss
Some researchers have proposed that dandelion could help people achieve their weight loss goals. This is based on the plant's ability to improve carbohydrate metabolism and reduce fat absorption.
8. May Reduce The Risk Of Cancer
Several test-tube studies have found that dandelion is effective in reducing the growth of cancer cells in various organ tissues. More research is needed to draw conclusions about its efficacy for preventing or treating cancer in humans.
9. May Boost Your Immune System
Early research indicates that dandelion have antiviral and antimicrobial properties, though clear applications for medicinal use have yet to be determined.
10. May Be a Useful Skincare Treatment
Animal and test-tube studies indicate that dandelion may protect against harmful sun rays, aging and skin irritations, such as acne. Currently, reliable human studies are unavailable.
Dosage and Supplement Forms
Dandelion leaves, stems and flowers are often consumed in their natural state and can be eaten cooked or raw. The root is usually dried, ground and consumed as a tea or coffee substitute. According to some available data, suggested dosages for different forms of dandelion are :
Fresh leaves : 4–10 grams, daily.
Dried leaves : 4–10 grams, daily.
Leaf tincture : 0.4–1 teaspoon (2–5 ml), three times a day.
Fresh leaf juice : 1 teaspoon (5 ml), twice daily.
Fluid extract : 1–2 teaspoon (5–10 ml), daily.
Fresh roots : 2–8 grams, daily.
Dried powder : 250–1,000 mg, four times a day.
Possible Risks and Side Effects
Although Dandelions have low toxicity and are likely safe for most people, they can cause allergic reactions in some and may interact negatively with certain medications, particularly diuretics and antibiotics.
Please keep in mind that Dandelions are not a replacement for a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Dandelion are unlikely to cause harm, as long as you're not allergic or taking certain medications. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional before adding a new herbal supplement to your diet.
Raihana Tsabita Faiq Triyanto (29)
thanks for your information!
ReplyDeletebermanfaat bgt blognya keren semangatt bkin blognya-!
ReplyDeleteThank you, because of this I realized that dandelion flowers actually have many benefits that I didn't know about
ReplyDeleteLuar binasaaa :) sangat membantu sekali artikel ini, semangat kutunggu artikel lainnya,btw ngga terlalu ngerti bahasa kalbu :(( ajarin dong
ReplyDeletesuch a good article, thanks for ur information!
ReplyDeleteGood, mudah dimengerti dan sangat bermanfaat, sukses terus kutunggu blog lain nya :)
ReplyDeletemudah dimengerti, terima kasih ya infonya sangat bermanfaat
ReplyDeleteWah aku baru tauu kalo bunga dandelion punya banyak manfaatnya. Makasih banyak atas informasinya :))
ReplyDeleteThank you for the advice. These articles are very helpful and I can also see what are the benefits of the plant
ReplyDeletesumpah gaess, mksh banyak ya informasinya
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for the information
ReplyDeleteBlognya sangat membantu, baru tau ternyata bunga dandelion banyak bgt manfaatnya yaa, terimakasih informasinya..
ReplyDeleteMasyaAllah,tau nya hanya tanaman hiasa ajaaa,ternyata manfaatnya banyak yaaaa,nice article kakaa,good job
ReplyDeletelah ga nyangka bunga yg sering dipake buat main masak-masakan (dulu) ternyata punya manfaat sewow ini😱thank you so much for the information☺️
ReplyDeleteMakasih informasinya :)
ReplyDeleteWahh ternyata banyak ya maanfaat nya, baru tau
ReplyDeleteTerimakasi informasi nya
Sukses selalu
Bagus infonya !!! :)
ReplyDeleteGood job enyaa!! Artikel yg sangat bermanfaat.LOVE
ReplyDeleteTernyata bunga dandelion selain cantik banyak manfaatnya juga, mksh infonya jd tambah pengetahuan kami tunggu info selanjutnya
ReplyDeleteInfo yg bagus. Lain kali bikin artikel lain yg bermanfaat jg ya.
ReplyDeleteSuka sekali sm artikel spt ini. Banyak manfaat!! Yg lain dong.. please.. ditunggu ya.
ReplyDeleteWAAAAAAAAAH DAEBAK! Baru tau gue kalo bunga ini punya banyak manfaat dan sedahsyat itu dong manfaatnya. Yok yok ditunggu artikel lainnya :p
ReplyDeleteMasyaa Alloh...ternyata begitu banyak manfaat dr bunga dandelion, baru tahu...selain indah dipandang bermanfaat buat kesehatan, makasih banyak infonya
ReplyDeleteThankyou for the useful information
ReplyDeleteWah ternyata banyak manfaatnya ya. Thank you for the information. Nice job!
ReplyDeleteMakasih infonya
ReplyDeleteInformasinya sangat bermanfaat :)
ReplyDeleteInfo yang sangat menarik,tingkatkan terus karya muu
ReplyDeleteThanks your information....i like it
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih infonya
ReplyDeleteWow, thank you for the information
ReplyDeleteI like it 👍
Terima kasih infonya...
ReplyDeleteThank you sharing infonya...n semangat selalu ya...
ReplyDeleteOwwww...jadi itu manfaat bunga dandelion ya...thanks yaaa
ReplyDeleteOoh, makan kembang ternyata banyak manfaatnya ya, ditunggu artikel lainnya
ReplyDeleteinformasi yang sangat bermanfaat. terimakasih infonya.
ReplyDeletewahh gila bagus bgt gua gak baca aja jadi ngerti loh wah keren keren lanjutkan-!
ReplyDeletebtw mutualan ig ayo @jessicaylinn xoxo
Terimakasih informasinya, artikel ini mudah dipahami jadi sangat membantu untuk belajar lebih lanjut tentang bunga dandelion. Ditunggu artikel selanjutnya:>
ReplyDeleteTerimakasih informasinya cantik, jadi tambah pengetahuan nih, ditunggu artikel selanjutnya
ReplyDeleteGood article thankyou for your information
ReplyDeleteTerimakasih info nya....bagus,keren habis 🥰,ditunggu info yg lainnya ya
ReplyDeleteInfonya sangat bagus dan bermanfaat.
ReplyDeleteThank banget.
Info bagus!!!.. in shaa Allah ini akan sangat bermanfaat.
ReplyDeleteHahaha.... makan kembang yuk.. biar sehat!! Info keren.
ReplyDeleteBaru kali ini baca info tentang bunga dandelion. Manfaatnya luar biasa lagi. Ditunggu ya, artikel berikutnya..
ReplyDeleteBagus artikelnya, menambah pengetahuan kita tentang tanaman obat.
ReplyDeleteVery informative!
ReplyDeleteMksh infonya ditunggu artikel berikutnya ya.
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih sudah berbagi info... keren banget.
ReplyDeleteHaiyaaa... impo gres ini. Ijin share yak. TQ
ReplyDeleteHebat juga dandelion ne.. banyak gunanya euy..
ReplyDeleteCantik bunganya, banyak manfaatnya, bagus infonya. THX infonya. 🤎
ReplyDeleteAduuh.. baru sempet baca artikelnya, ga nyangka sedahsyat ini manfaat dadelion.
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih banyak atas infonya, ditunggu artikel lainnya yaaa
ReplyDeleteWoah, that's so cool! Thank you for providing this information, it's very helpful!
ReplyDeleteInfo kesehatan bisa datang dari mana aja.. salah satunya dari blog ini. Semoga banyak yg baca blognya ya.
ReplyDeleteThis is very valuable information! I'll be sure to share it, thank you.
ReplyDeleteNice info!
ReplyDeleteWow, this article is very good!
ReplyDeleteImpressive! Thanks for the post.
ReplyDeleteDandelion?! Termasuk tanaman obat? Baru tau gue.. bagus.. keren.
ReplyDeleteVery nice. I really like your article!
ReplyDeleteI usually don't comment on articles, but i really couldn't help myself this time! You're doing a great job man, keep it up!
ReplyDeleteInteresting. Good job and thanks for sharing this information.
ReplyDeleteSuch a great is really helpful.
ReplyDeleteI really like this article
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed reading the article above, the article is very fascinating and useful. Thank you
ReplyDeleteFound your article interesting to read. Very nice and keep it up.
ReplyDeleteI am happy to say it's a very intriguing article. I learned new information by reading your article.
ReplyDeleteExcellent article!
ReplyDeleteuseful information. thx for ur article.
ReplyDeletevery nice...i really like your article. very useful information. Ty
ReplyDeleteNice article. Thanks for share this
ReplyDeleteMerci beaucoup!
ReplyDeletenice article. thx for share this. i like your article
ReplyDeletehi nice and i appreciate your information.
ReplyDeleteNice article, great.
ReplyDeleteI really loved reading your article. In fact, after reading I had to go show it to my friend and even he enjoyed reading it as well!
ReplyDeleteI think this is an informative article, it is very useful and knowledgeable. I enjoyed reading this, thank you!
ReplyDeleteRlly liked ur article, thx luv
ReplyDeleteThis article do you say it? Brilliant!! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteWow. I am honestly dumbfounded at how such a small flower could be that helpful. Thank you for sharing this info
ReplyDeleteWell... it is small flower.. bu SAKTI ��
ReplyDeleteoh mai gat!! keren banget sih ini! thx infonya :))
ReplyDeletemakasih infonya! Ini berguna banget sumpah
ReplyDeletewahh, ternyata berguna juga ya bunga dandelion. makasih infonya kak!
ReplyDeletethx lol
ReplyDeletei am today years old when i found out about the benefits of the dandelion flower
ReplyDeleteFascinating & useful info.
ReplyDeleteMenarik. Sering² ya, bikin artikel seperti ini.
ReplyDeletegorl- this is so helpful, ty ty
ReplyDeleteThis information is very much appreciated. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteBless you for providing us this information.
ReplyDeletelmao can you believe this was the same flower i used to step on with my friends...anyways thx for the info my guy
ReplyDeleteyuh..thanks queen
ReplyDeleteThank you for giving me this information.
ReplyDeleteThanks for being so helpful!
ReplyDeleteI regret not knowing this sooner...
ReplyDeleteI sincerely appreciate this information, thank you.
ReplyDeletePlease accept my deepest thanks.
ReplyDeletevery useful info, many thanks. 🙏
ReplyDeleteThank informasinya sangat bagus semoga bermanfaat
ReplyDeleteHueebat keren pol.
ReplyDeleteHueebat keren pol.
ReplyDeletemana lagi nih artikel lainnya? masih banyak kembang yg bisa dibahas
ReplyDeleteThank you for this information...
ReplyDeleteKeren nih infonya..nambah wawasan Aq...thanks ya
ReplyDeleteWah..ini info yg Aq cari dah lama...makasih banyak ya dah sharing infonya...sukses selalu utk kamu
ReplyDeleteKeren banget infonya nih...thank you
ReplyDeleteThank you..Thank you..Thank you for this information...
ReplyDeleteThank you..Thank you..Thank you for this information...
ReplyDeleteThis is great information...Thank a lot
ReplyDeleteWow..banyak manfaatnya ya bunga ini...makasih yaaa
ReplyDeleteAq baru tau nih...keren dech kamu mau sharing ttg ini...thank youuuu..
ReplyDeleteThis is good information...many thanks to you...
ReplyDeleteYessss..this is the information what I looking for...thanks
ReplyDeleteYessss...This is what I need ...thank you
ReplyDeleteKeren nih infonya..sangat bermanfaat...makasih banyak ya
ReplyDeleteYuhuiii...makasih info nya nih
ReplyDeleteOlalaaa...ini yg Aq cari.. Ternyata Bunga ini banyak manfaatnya ...makacih yaaa
ReplyDeleteTernyata ada artikel tentang manfaat bunga dandelion. Luar biasa ya, manfaatnya.
ReplyDeleteThis is the first time I read an article about the benefit of dandelion flowers. Fantastic!
ReplyDeleteFantastic article!
ReplyDeleteDandelion flower is just an ordinary flower, but you can find extra ordinary benefits of the flower for your healths. Good article
ReplyDeleteCreate this kind of article is not an easy work. You must put some efforts to make it.. may be you had to gather several info from different sources.. I believe.. you've done your best. I proud of you my baby Rena. LOVE.
ReplyDeleteArtikel yang bagus. Membuka wawasan dan tambahan pengetahuan untuk kita, tentang manfaat tanaman pd umumnya & dandelion khususnya.
ReplyDeleteManfaat dandelion untuk kesehatan..?? tak pernah terpikirkan malah. Yuk baca artikel ini sampai tuntas, biar tahu manfaatnya, yg ternyata luar biasa untuk kesehatan.
ReplyDeleteArtikel ini sangat bagus. Kenapa gak dari dulu aja bikin artikel ini yak. Hehehe
ReplyDeleteSatu ilmu lagi untuk hari ini, tentang manfaat bunga dandelion. Makasih ya
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post. This is such a good article, which contains very useful information about dandelion flowers.
ReplyDeleteGa nyangka ya, dandelion sebanyak ini manfaatnya.
ReplyDeleteDandelion.. kecil bunganya, gede manfaatnya.. ga percaya?? Baca artikel ini.
ReplyDeleteSungguh artikel yang sangat berguna.
ReplyDeleteSalah satu cara mendapatkan ilmu adalah dengan membaca. Saran saya, baca artikel ini, ambil ilmunya dan buktikan manfaatnya.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this informative article.
ReplyDeleteInteresting to read & knowledgeable.
ReplyDeleteEverything happened with a reason. And this is the reason why Allah creates dandelion flowers for us. Thanks Allah.
ReplyDeleteTidak pernah ada kata terlambat untuk belajar.. yuk.. kita pelajari artikel ini, supaya kita tau manfaat dandelion.
ReplyDeleteInteresting article. Good job .. keep it up girl.
ReplyDeleteI read this wonderful article over and over. To make sure that I remember all the content of the valuable info found in this article.
ReplyDeleteTopic of the day : THE BENEFIT OF THE DANDELION FLOWERS. Check it out !!
ReplyDeleteReally?? Dandelion flowers can do that?? Wow!!
ReplyDeleteI like the yellow color of the dandelion flowers. But I like the benefits of the flowers MORE
ReplyDeleteThis up dates me with valuable and knowledgeable info. Thx
ReplyDeleteMembaca artikel ini akan membawamu maju, selangkah lebih pintar.
ReplyDeleteCool. Like it so much, as it is very informative article.
ReplyDeleteBagus bagus bagus... suka suka suka.. ini artikel penting banget untuk kesehatan!
ReplyDeleteOne word : AWESOME
ReplyDeleteI love this article. looking forward to the next article.
ReplyDeleteShare this article among us. Very useful.
ReplyDeleteKenapa baru sekarang ya, tau tentang manfaat dandelion.. makasih ya artikelnya.
ReplyDeleteSuka sama artikel ini. Makasih ya udah berbagi pengetahuan. Sukses selalu.
ReplyDeleteThis is what we should know about. Huge benefit of the dandelion flowers.
ReplyDeleteTambah ilmu deh.. keren ya, manfaat dandelion.
ReplyDeleteTernyata banyak yang baru tau tentang manfaat dandelion ya.. yuk baca lagi artikelnya, biar hapal manfaatnya.