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Freshwater ecosystems are generally divided into two main water categories, namely lentik waters (calm waters) for example lakes and lotic waters (flowing waters), namely rivers. A lake is an amount of water (fresh or salty) that accumulates in a large area, which can occur due to melting glaciers, river flows or because of springs. According to Jorgensen (1989), a water lake is a form of freshwater ecosystem on the surface of the earth. Physically, a lake is a large area, has constant, clear or varied air with a certain flow, and Wulandari (2006) states that a lake is a body of water surrounded by land and is classified as one type of wetland.

The existence of a lake ecosystem provides beneficial benefits for human life. Some of the benefits of lakes are as energy producers through hydropower plants; as a means of transportation; As a means of recreation and tourism object; as a place for fishery activities (cultivation cultivation); As a source of air that can be used directly by the surrounding community (households, industry and agriculture); and as a place of research and research.

A. Lake As a Source Of Water
Water sources are all natural containers that have been made by people, such as rivers, lakes, reservoirs, springs, and so on. This water source is often indicated in household, industrial and agricultural activities.
Household activities that use the lake are bathing, washing and cooking. Agricultural activities use the lake as a source of water for irrigating rice fields. Meanwhile, industrial activities make use of the lake to assist the production process of goods in factories.

B. Lake As Energy Producer Through Hydroelectric Power Plant
Electric power is a very important source of energy for human life both for industrial activities, commercial activities and in everyday household life. Electrical energy is needed to meet lighting needs and also the production process involving electronic goods and industrial tools / machines.
Currently electricity is generated from engine power plants (PLTD), wind power plants (PLTU), solar power plants (PLTS), and hydroelectric power plants (PLTA). One of the hydropower facilities is a lake.
In Indonesia, there are several lakes that are used as hydropower plants, namely as follows:
1. Lake Poso, Central Sulawesi.
2. Lake Maninjau, Bengkulu.
3. Lake Matano, Southeast Sulawesi.
4. Lake Singkarak, West Sumatra.
5. Lake Tes, Bengkulu.
6. Lake Sentani, Papua.

C. Lake As a Means Of Transportation
Transportation is the movement of people or goods from one place to another by using a vehicle driven by humans or machines. Transportation is used to make it easier for humans to carry out their daily activities. Transportation itself is divided into 3, namely, land, air and water transportation.
The most famous water transportation is sea transportation, but there is also transportation that is carried out in fresh water, especially lakes. Transportation on the lake by boat, boat and speed boat. Lake Toba (North Sumatra) and Lake Towing (South Sulawesi). Transportation in the two lakes often connects the island in the middle of the lake (Samosir Island and Loeha Island) with the area around the lake.

D. Lake As a Means Of Recreation and Tourism Objects
Recreation is an activity carried out to refresh one's body and spirit. Recreation is an activity carried out by people on purpose for pleasure or for satisfaction. Activities commonly carried out for recreation are tourism, sports, playing and hobbies. One of the recreational areas is a lake. In Indonesia, lakes that are famous for tourism activities are Lake Toba, Lake Singkarak, and Lake Kalimutu.

E. Lake As a Fishery Activity Place
Fisheries are all activities related to the management and utilization of fish resources and their environment, starting from pre-production, production, processing to marketing, which are carried out in a fishery business system. This fishery activity is carried out in marine, brackish and fresh waters. In fresh water, fishery activities carried out are aquaculture. One of these freshwater is a lake.
Currently, almost all lakes in Indonesia have been used as a means for fish farming activities. The aquaculture activity in the lake uses floating net cages which maintain freshwater fish such as tilapia, tawes, pomfret, goldfish, and freshwater shrimp.

F. Lake As a Place Of Research 
Research is described as a process of active, diligent and systematic investigation, which aims to find, interpret, and revise facts. One of the facilities that is often studied is a lake.

Name : Athaya Talitha Syahda
Class : X AKL 1


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  5. niceee keep the work

  6. bagus banget artikelnya bermanfaat juga!!

  7. Keren dan bagus banget artikelnya!

  8. Artikelnya baguss bermanfaat

  9. Good job artikel nyaa😍😍😍

  10. Good Information
    Very good articel and very useful
    Good Job darl

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  12. Sangat bermanfaat 😍

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  19. Bagus banget artikelnya dan semoga bermanfaat ya

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