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Alternative Medicine and Herbal Medicine

  1. Herbal Medicine

Plants, fruit, flowers, and roots are some of the basic ingredients that have been used for a long time as a mixture of herbal medicine. Medicines of natural origin are believed to have almost no side effects, and are considered more potent than chemical drugs. Herbal medicine uses plant-based ingredients. So, the assumption that synthetic supplements do not use plant ingredients is wrong.

Herbal remedies usually come from whole plants without special screening for active ingredients. Herbal medicine practitioners believe that using the plant as a whole will reduce the toxic effects (side effects) of using the drug. The health benefits of herbal medicine are widely recognized. What's more, this organic supplement contains fewer chemicals and is less likely to cause irritation and allergies. 

  • Herbal Medicinal Plants That Are Proven Effective and People Rarely Know

  1. Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba is one of the oldest medicinal plants in Chinese medicine. The leaf extract is often processed into capsules, tablets, or drunk in the form of tea. 

Several studies have also reported that Ginkgo biloba can help maintain blood sugar levels and speed up the healing process of fractures. Even so, this research is still applied to animals, so it is not certain whether the effect can also be felt by humans or not.

Although it offers healthy benefits, supplements or drugs containing ginkgo biloba also have side effects. Among them, nausea, headaches, drowsiness, indigestion, blood sugar levels become too low, and blood pressure is unstable.

  1. Chamomile

Flowers are Chamomile oralso herbal ingredients that have been used for centuries. The shape resembles a daisy but is smaller in size.

Often processed into tea, those of you who have sleep disorders, insomnia and generalized anxiety disorders are advised to "be friends" with this one flower tea. Because, a 2016 study states, drinking chamomile tea for two weeks has been shown to improve the quality of study participants. In fact,symptoms were reported to be reduced. Not only can it soothe drinkers, chamomile is also often used to help treat gingivitis, various infections, indigestion, and stiff muscles.

  1. Turmeric

Use of skin is very wide, ranging from herbs to medicinal plants. Its benefits for health have also been recognized. Health experts argue, turmeric extract has antioxidant, choleretic (stimulates bile flow), collectietic (stimulates the contraction of the gallbladder), anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and antimicrobial,

  1. Lavender

There are several benefits of lavender that have been proven by various medical studies. Among them are overcoming depression, insomnia, relieving pain, hair loss, and improving cognitive function and memory.

Based on five different studies, 6-8 drops of lavender aromatherapy or 80 mg of lavender oil consumed per day has been shown to significantly improve sleep quality and duration. Both in school children, heart disease patients, to middle-aged women who suffer from insomnia.

Not only that, the benefits of lavender can also be aligned with the effects of sleeping pills that are usually prescribed by doctors. Thus, lavender can be a hope as another alternative to sleeping pills. Because sleeping pills can cause unexpected side effects, including dependence,

  1. Tea Tree Oil Tea tree

oil is known to be good for wound healing, oily skin care, used as a mouthwash to treat gingivitis, treat warts on the penis, treat dandruff, and many more. again.

  1. Alternative Medicine

Palternative pengobatan is any practice that aims to achieve the healing effect of the treatment,but the lack of biological plausibility and untested or proven ineffectiveness.

Some alternative practices are based on conflicting theories about how the human body works; others use the supernatural or superstition to explain the effect. On the other hand, this exercise is very effective but has too many side effects . Alternative medicine is different from scientific medicine, which uses scientific methods to test plausible therapies through clinical trials that are responsible and ethical , yielding evidence of both an effect and no effect.

  • Risks and Benefits of Alternative Medicine

  1. Acupuncture

A procedure to stimulate specific points on the body. Acupuncture in modern times is not only stabbed, but also electrified.

Without the correct technique, it can cause disturbances in the body. Several studies have shown acupuncture can reduce pain and depression, but the evidence is debated.

  1. Acupressure

This technique is similar to acupuncture. The difference is that this technique does not use a needle as a tool, but only uses the hands. The practitioner will try to press the important points in the body that carry life energy. The goal is to get back smoothly and restore the body.

  1. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy uses essential oils extracted from the roots, leaves, seeds, and flowers of a plant for the healing process.

This oil can be inhaled, massaged, or applied to the mouth. Each technique has its own purpose: some are used for inflammation and infection, others for relaxation.

  1. Ayurvedic

Medicine This medicine comes from India and has been used for thousands of years. Ayurvedic uses a variety of techniques, such as herbs, massage, and special diets.medicine Ayurvedic is used to rebalance the body, mind and spirit.

  1. Balneotherapy

Balneotherapy uses water as a therapeutic medium with the concept that water nourishes the skin and allows healing for pain, anxiety and inflammation.

The use of materials can start from mud and ordinary water. Like other alternative treatments, no one has really proven that this therapy is good for the body, but it is believed that balneotherapy can boost the body's immune system.

  1. Chiropractic

Chiropractic is well known to the general public today and is more reliable than other alternative medicine. This practice is focused on justifying the spine so that the nervous system is not blocked.

This treatment is proven to be able to cure pain in the back to other joints of the body. The most common procedure is called spinal manipulation.

  1. Naturopathy

Penyembuhan can come naturally from nature. Doctors using this practice study both conventional and alternative medicine and try to understand what causes the disorder or illness through the patient's mental, physical and spiritual condition.

The treatment combines various techniques, from paying attention to nutrition, changing habits, herbal medicines to acupuncture. It is very difficult to judge which techniques are effective because of these mix-ups.

  1. Reflexology is

widely offered by people. This treatment tries to press the body points located on the feet, head to ear.

In theory, pressing on these points has a positive impact on responses to different internal organs and nerves. This treatment can be done alone or assisted by the practitioner.

  1. Reiki

Reiki is a form of healing energy present throughout the body. The purpose of this therapy is to relax, speed up recovery, reduce pain, and so on.

To be honest these treatments are not medically proven so you shouldn't make this your mandatory treatment. You should first identify your disease, then think about whether you should use herbal medicine or alternative medicine. Because if you don't, your illness might get worse.

Adinda Putri Adira

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  1. Wah bagus dan bermanfaat


      Assalamualaikum saya atas nama Rany anak dari bapak Bambang saya ingin berbagi cerita masalah penyakit yang di derita ayah saya, ayah saya sudah 5 tahun menderita penyakit aneh yang tidak masuk akal, bahkan ayah saya tidak aktif kerja selama 5 tahun gara gara penyakit yang di deritanya, singkat cerita suatu hari waktu itu saya bermain di rmh temen saya dan kebetulan saya ada waktu itu di saat proses pengobatan ibu temen saya lewat HP , percaya nda percaya subahana lah di hari itu juga mama temen saya langsung berjalan yang dulu'nya cuma duduk di kursi rodah selama 3 tahun,singkat cerita semua orang yang waktu itu menyaksikan pengobatan bapak kyai hj Malik lewat ponsel, betul betul kaget karena mama temen saya langsung berjalan setelah di sampaikan kepada hj Malik untuk berjalan,subahanallah, dan saya juga memberanikan diri meminta no hp bapak kyai hj malik, dan sesampainya saya di rmh saya juga memberanikan diri untuk menghubungi kyai hj Malik dan menyampaikan penyakit yang di derita ayah saya, dan setelah saya melakukan apa yang di perintahkan sama BPK kyai hj Malik, 1 jam kemudian Alhamdulillah bapak saya juga langsung sembuh dari penyakitnya lewat doa bapak kyai hj Malik kepada Allah subahanallah wataala ,Alhamdulillah berkat bantuan bpk ustad kyai hj Malik sekarang ayah saya sudah sembuh dari penyakit yang di deritanya selama 5 tahun, bagi saudara/i yang mau di bantu penyembuhan masalah penyakit gaib non gaib anda bisa konsultasi langsung kepada bapak kyai hj Malik no hp WA beliau 0823-5240-6469 semoga lewat bantuan beliau anda bisa terbebas dari penyakit anda. Terima kasih

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