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Lowering High Blood with Natural Medicines

High blood pressure or hypertension deserves to be called the silent killer because it often has no symptoms, but is a major risk for heart disease and stroke. 

High blood pressure is a condition that cannot be ignored. 

That is because high blood pressure or hypertension can cause various dangerous complications, such as heart disease and stroke which can lead to death.

Therefore, when finding a systolic blood pressure reading of more than 140 mmHg and a diastolic blood pressure above 90 mmHg, anyone is advised to immediately improve their lifestyle. 

If you think of alternatives, a number of herbal plants are actually available to help lower high blood pressure. 

The following are various herbal plants to reduce high blood pressure that can be used: 

Cat whiskers Empirically

cat's whiskers can be used as a diuretic and kidney stone laxative. This plant has an effect as a natural diuretic because it contains potassium in the leaves. 

The presence of inositol and the flavonoid sinensetin also contributes to the effects of cat's whiskers as a diuretic. 


Apigenin in celery works as a beta blocker which can slow down the heart rate and reduce the strength of heart contraction so that less blood is pumped and blood pressure is reduced. Meanwhile, apiin, a glycoside compound from apigenin, is a diuretic, which helps the kidneys remove excess fluid and salt from the body so that reduced fluid in the blood will lower blood pressure. 


Temulawak is a native Indonesian plant which is traditionally used to treat various diseases, including hypertension. 

Temulawak is proven to contain flavonoids which have the function of protecting the vascular endothelium. 


Garlic may also have the ability to lower blood pressure by helping increase a substance in the body, namely nitric oxide, which causes blood vessels to relax and dilate. 

This condition allows blood flow more freely and reduces blood pressure.

Gotu kola 

The content of active substances that play a role in the activity of facilitating blood vessel flow is asiaticosid, which is a triterpenoid glycoside gloingan compound. 

These compounds have been shown to improve microcirculation, reduce capillary permeability, and protect against worsening microcirculation processes. 


Eating ginger can be a way to lower high blood pressure or control blood pressure. 

In animal studies, ginger has been shown to improve blood circulation and relax the muscles around blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure. 


Lavender extract has been shown to lower heart rate and blood pressure in test animals. 

Although not many people think of using lavender as a culinary herb, you can actually use the flowers in baked goods.

Nama: Reisya Rizkia Filza

Kelas: X AKL 2


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