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The Difference Between Herbal Medicine And Alternative Medicine

The Difference Between Herbal Medicine And Alternative Medicine

A.Herbal Medicine

Herbs are plants or plants that have more use or value in medicine. In other words, all types of plants that contain active ingredients or substances that are useful for treatment can be classified as herbs. using herbal ingredients has long existed in Indonesia, long before modern medicine developed. Even though it is often considered ancient, this herbal treatment is in fact still lasting to be trusted today.There are many reasons why herbal therapy is still a treatment option and a means of healing. Among other things, the cost of medical treatment is increasingly expensive, materials that are easily available, simple manufacture, relatively minimal side effects, plus low prices.In fact, many diseases are believed to be cured by consuming herbal ingredients. Starting from sore throat, stomach pain, and fever.

>Plants For Herbal Medicine

   What is herbal therapy? Herbal therapy is a treatment that uses medicinal plants or animal products that contain nutritious substances to fight disease. In Indonesia, there are so many plants used for herbal therapy.Examples of herbal medicines include ginseng, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, garlic, and ginger.Ginseng is known for its properties to reduce inflammation and increase endurance, brain function, and increase energy. Meanwhile, turmeric contains many antioxidants that are useful for warding off free radicals.This ingredient, which is often processed in the form of herbal medicine, is also believed to be able to lower cholesterol, maintain the digestive system, lower blood sugar levels, and reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.Apart from the herbs mentioned above, there are still many that are believed to have certain health benefits. Unfortunately, there are not many comprehensive studies to determine how much nutritious substances contain.In addition, it is important to understand that there are some plants that cannot grow everywhere and produce the same quality.This therapy does have advantages, especially from an economic point of view, but from its safety, it still needs to be investigated further. On the other hand, the opinion that this herbal medicine is very safe and without side effects must be corrected.

>Tips On Choosing Herbal Therapy

    That is why, as a consumer, you are required to be more critical and careful in choosing the use of herbal ingredients for health. Don't just listen to what people say about its properties, then believe it right away.The reason is, everyone's body can react differently to herbal remedies. To avoid unwanted side effects, pay attention to these tips:

 -The best herbal plants are those that are planted alone or are still fresh so that their freshness and quality are maintained.

-Avoid herbal remedies that have been processed into encapsulated powders. It could be, when processed, there is oxidation of the drug, thereby reducing the effectiveness of herbs.

-Herbal remedies basically take longer to produce therapeutic effects because of their natural properties. If someone gives a "guarantee" of recovery in a short time, it could be that herbs have been mixed with other substances or conventional medicine.

-Take advantage of herbal medicine for preventive action (prevention), given the gradual (not instant) mechanism of action.

-If buying packaged herbs, pay attention to cleanliness because many herbal medicines are packaged unhygienic. Bacterial, fungal, and parasitic contamination is possible.

-Do not ignore the composition listed on the packaging. Beware if there are other ingredients in a large enough presentation, as they can cause side effects. This is one of the "tricks" to make consumers believe the properties being promoted.

-Be careful if there are side effects or symptoms of poisoning that arise due to irrational use of medicinal plants.

Pay attention to the tips above before you choose to use herbal remedies. Especially if you have a history of certain diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, discuss it with your doctor before taking it.

>Th Benefits Of Herbal Medicine

> Can treat chronic disease. This is because herbal medicines are safe enough to be consumed for a long time so that diseases that require continuous treatment can be overcome with this herbal medicine.

> The price is relatively affordable compared to the price of ordinary medical drugs. And to be sure, this herbal medicine is also quite easy to get because it has quite a lot of spread. For example, we can plant simple herbal medicines in the garden behind the house.

>For Cholesterol and Diabetes

Recipe: Boil bay leaves with laos then drink the boiled water.

Fact: Bay leaves contain flavonoids and tannins as substances that can lower cholesterol. Can also lower blood sugar levels.Laos contains essential oils to help improve blood circulation and the process of removing metabolic waste including excess cholesterol.

>For Hypertension

Recipe: Consume celery leaves regularly.

Fact: Celery contains phthalides which are able to relax artery muscles thereby lowering blood pressure for people with hypertension and also reducing the production of stress hormones.

>For Headaches

Recipe: Drink boiled water from ginger, lemongrass and coriander.

Fact: Ginger, lemongrass and coriander contain essential oils that will improve blood circulation and also function as analgesics to reduce headaches.

>For Cough

Recipe: Lime juice mixed with honey.

Fact: Lime contains vitamin C which can improve the body's resistance to fighting colds. Also functions as an antiseptic that can remove toxins in the body.Honey which also functions as an antiseptic and can increase energy to beat disease.

>For Luka

Recipe: Apply honey on the injured part

Fact: Honey contains hydrogen peroxide and gluconic acid which will kill bacteria that cause infection and help new cell growth so that wounds heal faster.

>For the nosebleed

Recipe: Roll the cleaned betel leaves and put them in the nostrils.

Fact: Betel leaf is able to reduce bleeding, including bleeding in the mucous membranes of the nose as occurs in people who experience this nosebleed.

>For Bad Mouth

Recipe: Boil betel leaves, cloves and turmeric. Then rinse using cooking water.

Fact: Betel and clove leaves contain antiseptic properties. Turmeric contains curcumin which can fight germs that cause bad breath.

>For vaginal discharge

Recipe: Boil the betel leaf and bitter.

Fact: Betel leaf acts as an antiseptic. Sambiloto functions as an anti-inflammatory which kills fungi and prevents itching.

>Risk of Side Effects of Herbal Medicines

   Although it is known to have many health benefits, not all herbs are safe for consumption. Not only that, it turns out that not everyone is allowed to take herbal medicine. There are several medical conditions that may not match the ingredients in this type of medicine, for example, the taste is too sour or too bitter. The circulation of herbal medicines has not been strictly regulated by the competent authorities, in this case the BPOM.

   Actually, there is nothing wrong with taking herbal medicine. However, to maintain safety, make sure to consume products that have been scientifically proven beforehand. Herbal medicine needs to go through a series of clinical trial processes before it is declared safe for consumption. Herbal medicines must also pass a test of dosage, effectiveness, method of use, and the effects that may appear when interacting with other compounds when they enter the body.

   Launching the page of the Indonesian Ministry of Health (KEMENKES RI), consumption of herbal medicines, for example those that have been processed into herbal medicine is actually very good. However, there is one thing to remember, consumption of herbs or herbal medicine should only be used as a form of disease prevention. In other words, herbal consumption is only intended to maintain a healthy body, not to cure diseases. In addition, there are several factors that should be considered before consuming this type of natural medicine.

    Make sure to always pay attention to the types of plants or herbs consumed in order to avoid dangerous side effects. Because, it does not rule out someone may be allergic or not compatible with certain types of herbs and can trigger impacts, such as stomach aches.Instead of being healthy, the wrong choice of herbal medicine can actually cause the body to feel uncomfortable. However, it cannot be denied that taking herbal medicine can help improve a person's quality of life and health. Regularly drinking herbs can help revitalize the body, so that it becomes healthier. Before deciding to take herbal medicine, be sure to always know the health condition of the body.

   Not everyone is allowed to take herbal medicines and not all types of natural medicines are safe for consumption, for example curcuma. This type of spice is said to help increase appetite and treat digestive problems, such as constipation. But behind these benefits, ginger is also said to have blood thinning properties that can have a negative impact in the form of bleeding. The risk of bleeding due to ginger should be watched out for and avoided by people with acute kidney disease or liver disease.

>This type of medicinal plant is popularly cultivated in Indonesia

  Based on Law Number 13 of 2010 concerning horticulture, medicinal plants are included in the horticultural plant group, namely plants that produce fruit, vegetables, medicinal herbs, floriculture, and aesthetic ingredients. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia states that there are 15 types of medicinal plants that are cultivated in Indonesia. The fifteen types of medicinal plant:


2.Galangal (laos)

3. Galangal



6. Curcuma


8. Find the key

9.Dlingo or dringo



12.God's crown



15.Aloe vera


17.Chamomile (chamomile)


19.Lemon balm





>Tips for Safe Taking Herbal Medicines

   Most of the natural ingredients that are used as herbal medicines are safe for consumption. Although safe, herbal medicines also have the potential to cause both minor and serious side effects on the body. Information about possible side effects is usually listed on the packaging. In order to avoid harm, here are tips on how to safely consume herbal medicines.

1.Make sure to buy products that have been registered with BPOM RI.

2.Don't forget to check the product expiration date.

3.Follow all instructions for use along with the dosage listed on the packaging.

4.Contact the product's customer service if you want to know more clearly about their product.

5.Before consuming it, make sure you consult your doctor first.

>characteristic features:

1.Original produced without a mixture of chemicals and free of toxins. Examples such as herbs.

2.Curative, meaning that it is really healing.

3.Does not cause side effects, as long as it is formulated by an expert herbalist.

4.Made from natural spices or ingredients which of course have extraordinary properties.

5.The reaction is slow but constructive.

6.Only to prevent, recover, and treat diseases that require a long treatment.

B.Alternative Medicine

    Alternative medicine is a form of medical service that uses methods, tools, or materials that are not included in the standard modern medical treatment or standard medical services and are used as an alternative or complement to the said modern medical treatment.

Alternative medicine, safe or not?

To draw a clear line between safe and unsafe alternative medicine, you need to know the risks and benefits. Some popular alternative treatments include:

1. Acupuncture

This traditional Chinese medicine technique uses needles to stimulate specific points on the body. Acupuncture aims to assist the natural healing process in the body. According to studies, acupuncture can treat problems such as back pain, nausea, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and many more. Currently acupuncture has become a specialist branch of medicine.

2. Yoga and meditation

Meditation techniques in yoga can also be called as a safe alternative medicine because they do not enter any substances into the body. Yoga helps a person listen to his body better so he knows what the body needs.

 3. Chiropractic

Chiropractic practice focuses on body structure, especially the function of the spine. Chiropractors will use a variety of techniques to fit the spine or other parts of the body into ideal posture. Apart from spinal problems, chiropractic is also effective in dealing with headaches and neck pain.alternative medicine herbal medicine.Many people choose herbal remedies to treat diseases

4. Herbal medicine

There are many alternative remedies that provide herbal medicines. According to the World Health Organization, at least 80 percent of the world's population uses herbal medicines to treat various health problems. However, herbal supplements need to be proven whether they are really safe and effective before consumption.

5. Ayurveda

One of the oldest health methods in the world is Ayurveda which originated in India. Since thousands of years ago, Ayurvedic medicine has referred to a special diet, herbal medicine, to unique practices. However, there are no clinical trials to prove the effectiveness of Ayurveda.Don't easily believe in alternative medicine

Don't easily believe in alternative medicine

 There are many reasons why alternative medicine should not necessarily be trusted. If there is an alternative medicine that promises instant results and is too easy, you should find out more. Some of the claims that alternative medicine sells but it is questionable are:

1.Promise of healing

Usually followed by words such as miracle cure, scientific breakthrough, secret ingredient, or ancestral potion.

2.Cure everything

Be skeptical of alternative medicine that claims to cure all diseases at once. Of course, it is impossible for just one product to be a cure for various health complaints.


Sometimes, people easily believe in alternative medicine because they have heard firsthand testimonials from previous users. But remember, testimonials are not the same as scientific tests. It could be that what a person experiences to feel healed after undergoing certain alternative treatments does not happen because of that factor alone. Don't forget that there are side effects or treatment failures that you can't tell about.

4.Must scramble to get it

Don't overly believe claims that require someone to scramble or stand in line for days for certain alternative treatments. It could be a marketing technique to get someone to rush into buying something before finding out any further.

5.Natural is not necessarily safe

Now there are many natural labels pinned on various alternative medicine products. But remember, natural is not necessarily safe. Certain herbal or vitamin and mineral medicinal products can cause certain side effects to a person's body when consumed in certain doses. Therefore, before believing in the claims of certain alternative medicine, try to find out further who initiated it. What is your educational background and specialization to make a particular alternative medicine that is claimed to be more effective than medical treatment. If you have previously taken medical treatment, also find out if there is a possibility of complications or negative reactions if these two different treatment methods are taken together. exists as a guide - not a substitute for - conventional medical treatment. Entrusting treatment to experts according to their specialties may be the wisest choice to treat your disease.

How to choose alternative medicine

Consider the following tips from the NCCIH when choosing alternative medicine:

1.Talk to your doctor. Ask for recommendations for alternative treatments that are known to be safe and licensed.

2.Ask your preferred alternative medicine practitioner about their education, training, licenses and certifications. Ask if they specialize in a particular disease or condition, and if they frequently treat people with symptoms like you.

3.Confirm the cost of treatment and find out if your health insurance can cover it

4.Contact your local health department. Ask about the certification, license or accreditation of your chosen alternative medicine.

Risks from alternative medicine

   Alternative medicine is now mushrooming. This sometimes makes many patients confused in choosing the right therapy for them. This is because the types of alternative medicine can vary, from the use of plants as medicine to the use of certain medical devices.

   Citing research conducted by a team from the Yale cancer medical school, cancer patients who use alternative medicine have a greater risk of death than those who undergo medical treatment. The results of this study were published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

  The study studied patients diagnosed with cancer from 2004 to 2013. The researchers collected data on patients who received alternative treatments, instead of conventional treatments such as chemotherapy, surgery or radiation.

    Based on the results of this study, the group of patients with alternative therapies had a greater risk of death. The patients involved in this study were patients with breast, lung, and colorectal cancer. The investigators concluded that patients who opted for alternative medicine had a greater risk of death.

    Currently, there is a trend of increasing interest by patients and families in seeking alternative treatments, as opposed to conventional cancer treatments. This trend has created a difficult situation for both patients and health care providers. In fact, until now conventional cancer treatment still provides the greatest opportunity for cancer cure. In addition, there is currently limited medical evidence on the effectiveness of alternative treatments for cancer.

so, the differences are:

1. Herbal Medicine

>Natural ingredients or ingredients from plants, which are believed to treat certain diseases, and have been used from generation to generation, for example herbal medicine.

> Does not cure one symptom of a disease but heals to other organs and to the root.

2.Alternative Medicine:

1. Requires a long healing time

Alternative therapies generally cannot provide instantaneous healing so it takes longer to heal than conventional treatments.

2. Patience is required

Some alternative treatments require lifestyle changes to support therapy so that it can work better, so it requires discipline and patience from patients.

3. Research is still limited

Several alternative medicines have now been scientifically tested and proven to be effective. But most of the medicines used have not been scientifically tested and approved by the local government.

Nama:Tsabitha Salsabila

Kelas:X PB 2



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