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Temulawak is a native Indonesian plant whose shape is similar to turmeric.  The plant, which has the Latin name Curcuma xanthorrhiza, is usually shaped like a cylinder with a diameter of 6 cm.
Benefits of ginger for medicinal health
The benefits of ginger have been proven in traditional Chinese medicine.  Many use ginger, both original ginger and in cream form as an anti-inflammatory drug and wound healer.  So, what are the benefits of ginger that have been scientifically proven?  Here's the review.
What is ginger?
the benefits of turmeric for the digestion of white turmeric, the benefits of tamarind turmeric, the benefits of turmeric herbs, turmeric masks, the benefits of turmeric for the face.
Temulawak is a native Indonesian plant whose shape is similar to turmeric.  The plant, which has the Latin name Curcuma xanthorrhiza, is usually shaped like a cylinder with a diameter of 6 cm.  Generally, this plant has light yellow skin.  As a monocot plant, this plant does not have a taproot.  The root that is owned is the root of the rhizome.
The rhizome is the part of the stem that lies underground.  Rhizome is also referred to as root tuber or stem tuber.  Among all the Curcuma rhizomes, this plant rhizome is the largest among other plants.
The ginger rhizome consists of the mother and tillers.  The parent rhizome is round like an egg and has a dark yellow color, while the inside is orange-brown.  From this main rhizome comes a second smaller rhizome and grows sideways.  Usually the number is around 3 to 7 pieces.
At first, Curcuma xanthorrhiza grew a lot in forests, especially teak forests along with other types of encounter.  This plant usually grows a lot in reeds and dry land.  However, nowadays ginger is widely cultivated in the highlands. Temulawak rhizome contains curcuminoids, essential oils, starch, protein, fat, cellulose, and minerals.  Starch is the largest component in ginger rhizome.  Starch is usually yellowish white because it contains curcuminoids.

Curcuminoids are substances that give yellow color to ginger and turmeric.  In ginger contains: 0.37% ash, 1.52% protein, 1.35% fat, 0.80% fiber, 79.96% carbohydrates, 15 ppm curcumin, 11.45 ppm potassium, 6, 38 ppm sodium,  19.07 ppm calcium
, 12.72 ppm magnesium, 6.38 ppm iron
, 0.82 ppm manganese, 0.02 ppm cadmium.

In addition, there are three active substances contained in ginger rhizome, namely:
  • Germakron, anti-inflammatory and inhibits swelling.
  • P-toluylmetylcarbinol and cesquiterpene d-camphor, increase production and bile.
  • Tumerone, antimicrobial.

The benefits of ginger are as a medicine, a food flavoring, drinks, and natural dyes for food and cosmetics.  The benefits of ginger as medicine have been known and known for a long time, both domestically and abroad.  Here are the various benefits of ginger for health: Overcoming digestive system problems, overcoming osteoarthritis, preventing and helping cancer treatment, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal drugs, acne medications, maintaining liver health, diuretic drugs, and antispasmodics.

𝑵𝑶. 𝑨𝑩𝑺𝑬𝑵 : 17


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