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The benefits of avocado

The benefits of avocado

In the world of industrial clothing, fruit of the avocado seed part processed into dye clothes that do not easily wear off. While the stems of trees that burn easily regular dried and eventually used as fuel by the villagers.  On the tree bark contained compounds that will give Brown a material or a material, usually a company engaged in the manufacture of leather products utilize the tree bark as a brown dye.  In the world of pharmaceuticals, avocado leaves since the Foundation of the old herbal decoction to treat urinary stones, pain in the nerves and stomach, headache, high blood, airway pemebengkakan and menstruation are less regular. While the seeds are often made into clothing dyes can also be fresh as a remedy a toothache and diabetes.  The experts also often carry out a series of research studies on meat or avocado fruit skins and seeds to maintain the condition of health, prevent disease, as well as shrink the risks to health disorders of the human body.

The following results are obtained from the banyapenelitian has been done to find scientists are rightly much stored vital nutrients that bring the benefits of avocado fruit for the health of the body.
1. Speed up the absorption of nutrients  Based on a study conducted a few years ago revealed that certain nutrients coming into the body can be absorbed better, faster and far more effective when eaten in unison with the avocado fruit.
2. Maintain eye health  Content of lutein in the avocado fruit is the most lutein levels than any other fruits that have the privilege in sustain human health.  Lutein is part of carotenoid that is naturally produced in the chloroplasts and chromoplasts of plants.
3. Inhibits the growth of cancer cells  According to the doctor, in the body of every human being there are cancer cells that someday could grow, depending on the health condition of the respective body and how a person maintaining the health condition remained stable.
4. Lower your cholesterol levels  Diseases such as Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), Xanthomas and heart failure is a kind of disease that would infect a person if the levels of bad cholesterol in the body exceeds the amount of HDL (good cholesterol).
5. The source of the Glutathione Antioxidant  Glutathione or GSH is the mother of all kinds of antioxidants. The cells in the body very much hope on the performance of the master antioxidant. One of the benefits of GSH is anti-aging with increasing content of collagen in the body, especially the skin, so as to minimize the incidence of wrinkles on the face and other body parts.
6. Contains Potassium  Potassium belongs into the mineral utilized by autonomic nervous control heart rate, brain function, and other important physiological processes.
Benefits of avocado fruit for beauty certainly requires you to perform maintenance on a regular basis. Was labelled an example to hand scrub with the aim of smoothing the skin due to nutrients as well as compounds in it that is great for maintaining healthy skin, as well as the benefits of olive oil.

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