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Recorded until September 14, 2017, there have been 61 people who were rushed to hospitals in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi due to a drug overdose of PCC. Most of these victims are elementary and junior high school students.
There is a direct unconscious even died after taking the drug. Some survivors are reported to have impaired mental states that must be tied up so as not to rampage. What is actually contained in PCC medicine?
Read also: RSJ Kendari Forced Footsteps and Hand of PCC Drug Victims
PCC itself is an extension of Paracetamol, Cafein, and Carisoprodol. Let's discuss one by one, and what side effects might occur if the combination of these drugs is misused.
Paracetamol or called acetaminophen is included in the type of over-the-counter painkillers. Paracetamol is usually used to reduce mild to moderate pain symptoms such as headache, flu, pain due to menstruation, toothache, to joint pain. 500mg of paracetamol tablets are taken every 6 hours to achieve this pain-relieving effect.
There are some side effects of paracetamol, such as nausea, upper abdominal pain, itching, loss of appetite, dark urine and pale stools until the color of the skin and eyes turn yellow. However, the symptoms as above are not commonly felt by the crowd, of course if you eat according to the rules.
Caffeine (caffeine)
Caffeine or caffeine is a substance found in coffee, tea or cola to raise awareness, focus, and alert. Hence, when after drinking coffee your sleepiness will be lost or decreased. Athletes even make caffeine as a stimulant because of its great ability and caffeine is a stimulant that its use permitted by the association of athletes of the United States or called the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).
In the medical world, caffeine is commonly used as a combination of painkiller. In this case, caffeine can be added together with paracetamol. Caffeine is also used for the treatment of asthma, bladder infections, to low blood pressure.
Caffeine works by stimulating the central nervous system, heart and muscles in the body. The effect of caffeine is to increase blood pressure and smooth the flow of urine. However, this effect may not occur in people who have regular caffeine drinking.
Caffeine also has rules in its use. The concentration of caffeine present in the urine should not reach 16mcg / mL. To reach that number, it takes 8 cups of coffee. Thus, in general caffeine is a relatively safe substance for routine consumption.
If excessive, caffeine can cause some side effects such as anxiety, panic attacks, rising stomach acid, increased blood pressure and insomnia. For those of you who do have health problems such as ulcers or hypertension, this effect can easily occur.
If paracetamol and caffeine are commonly consumed and relatively safe substances that are sold freely, it is different with carisoprodol. Carisoprodol is a limited drug that can only be used by prescription.
These drugs include the type of muscle relaxer drug or drug that relaxes the muscles that will cut the pain that flows from the nerve to the brain in the head. Carisoprodol is used together for physical therapy such as muscle and bone, for example on injury.
Taking this medicine can cause dependence. Due to this effect, this drug is not actually sold freely and may only be purchased with a prescription. Side effects will affect the nerves and body reactions. If taken with alcohol, this drug will make you feel very drowsy to dizziness.
There are several side effects that can arise from the consumption of carisoprodol. If you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking the drug immediately.
• Loss of consciousness
• Feels very weak to poor body coordination
• The heart rate is very fast
• Convulsions
• Loss of vision
 What happens if all three drugs are taken together?
If a person mixes and consumes all three drugs simultaneously, as a PCC drug, the effects of each drug will work together. PCC overdose ultimately damages the central nervous system in the brain. The embodiment of brain central nerve damage may vary, but specific PCC drugs show hallucinatory effects seen in some victims.
Significant mood changes are also common, as well as behavioral and emotional disorders can also occur in PCC drug users.
This disorder is often referred to by the term "bad trip" that is anxiety, fear, and panic that occurs in drug users. In addition, the abuse of this drug can lead to an overdose until death.

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