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Gurah Therapy & Herbal Plants to Overcome Sinusitis

therapy is one of the many types of alternative medicine in Indonesia. This therapy is said to be able to overcome various health problems, one of which is sinusitis. But from a medical perspective, how effective is it?  Indonesia is well-known for having various types of alternative medicine that use various natural ingredients or certain traditional methods. Call it a sequence of fractures, herbal remedies, cupping, reflection, ceragem, gurah, to spiritual healing such as ruqyah. All of the above non-medical treatment methods are in great demand. Maybe because there are still many people who tend to be afraid of doctors or medical methods. In fact, there are many types of alternative medicine whose effectiveness cannot be ascertained

What is gurah? This therapy is an action by spraying herbal liquid into a person's nostrils to remove mucus from the nose and mouth. 

That's why it's a popular method to help treat sinusitis. Gurah alternative therapy became popular in Indonesia in 1990, to be precise in Imogiri District, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, Central Java.

This act of washing the nose uses a liquid mixed with herbal ingredients, namely the roots, leaves, or trunk of the srigunggu tree (Clerodendrum serratum). Natural substances contained in these plants are believed to dilate blood vessels, resulting in a large amount of mucus, which can then be rinsed and then expelled from the nose. Therefore, after doing gurah therapy, usually your nose or mouth will release a lot of mucus. It aims to clear dirt in the nose, sinuses and throat area.

Natural sinusitis remedies that you can easily find at home

1. Ginger

Ginger is often processed into a healthy drink which can have a warm effect on your body. It turns out that behind that, ginger is also useful for relieving sinusitis infections with the help of natural anti-inflammatory which can reduce swelling in the lining of the nose. Studies show ginger's role in treating sinuses by suppressing mucus production and relieving dizziness in your head.

2. Apple cider vinegar

Another natural sinusitis remedy that you can use is apple cider vinegar. The reason is, this natural ingredient is rich in various nutrients such as vitamins A, E, B1, B2, calcium and magnesium. These nutrients can clean the sinus cavities and treat allergy symptoms due to sinusitis.

3. Garlic

Garlic is a traditional spice that is widely used in food preparations. In fact, it's rare for Indonesian dishes to not use garlic as its basic spice. It turns out that this ingredient also has good benefits for your health as a natural sinusitis cure.

4. Oregano oil

Are you a fan of oregano? Yes, oregano is generally found in the form of dried leaves and is very small. Usually, it is often used to add flavor to food. Not only that, it turns out that the leaves and flowers can produce oregano oil which is useful for the treatment of sinusitis, you know.

5. Turmeric

Turmeric that you often find among these kitchen spices has anti-inflammatory properties which are allegedly able to treat infections due to sinusitis. Apart from that, the main compound curcumin in turmeric is also effective for cleaning the respiratory tract and healing infected sinus cavities.

Name : Alya Putri Kurnia

Class : X PB 2




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