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Temulawak as a Natural Medicine to Overcome Liver Disease

One of the plants that can be used is ginger. Many medicinal benefits can be felt by consuming ginger plants. Although its shape is almost similar to turmeric, ginger is different from turmeric.

Temulawak contains curcuminoid compounds, essential oils, starches, proteins, fats, cellulose and minerals. However, in fact the starch content in ginger is more than the other content. This starch content gives a yellowish white color due to the curcuminoid content.

Temulawak Can Overcome Liver Disease
Liver disease, known as liver disease, is a disease caused by various factors that damage the liver. Alcohol use and exposure to viruses are among the biggest causes of liver disease.

There are some people who are prone to liver disease, such as people who have a habit of consuming alcohol, are exposed to blood or fluids from other people's bodies, have diabetes and obesity.

The most common symptom of this disease is a yellowish discoloration of the skin. Swelling of the feet and ankles as well as fever and mental illness are other symptoms of liver disease. Immediately this condition with various treatments that you can do, one of which is the use of traditional medicine.

Temulawak is a family medicinal plant that functions as a medicine for liver disease or liver disease. Consumption of ginger can protect the liver from hepatotoxicity. Hepatotoxic substances are chemicals that can damage liver function.

Don't forget to ask your doctor about the benefits and uses of ginger for health through the Halodoc application. It's easy, just download it on your smartphone, OK!

Benefits of Temulawak for Health
Besides being a natural remedy for liver disease, there are many other benefits of ginger that can be used to maintain your health. Know the health benefits of ginger, namely:

1. Maintain Digestive Health
Temulawak stimulates the body to produce bile in the gallbladder. This condition helps to maintain digestive health. Temulawak can reduce bloating in the digestive system and increase it
2. Prevent Cancer
The antioxidants contained in ginger help to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body.

3. Able to Remove Toxins in the Body
Temulawak contains felandren, which helps to flush out toxins in the body.

4. Improve Kidney Function
The essential oil in ginger can actually improve your kidney function. There is nothing wrong with consuming ginger so that kidney health is maintained.

5. Antibacterial and antifungal
Temulawak contains antibacterial and antifungal compounds. Antibacterial in ginger is effective enough to eradicate staphylococcus and salmonella. While the antifungal in ginger helps the body to avoid dermatophyte type fungi.

6. Diuretic Drugs
Diuretics are substances that can help the body remove salt and water so that it doesn't accumulate in the body. Temulawak has diuretic benefits for the body, which is a shame if you miss it. 

Nama: Muhamad restiawan maulana
Kelas: X AKL 1 

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