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Binahong leaves come from the binahong plant which is a medicinal plant that grows in the lowlands and highlands and has many properties in curing various kinds of minor and severe ailments. This creeper, soft trunk, single leaf, and compound decoration is efficacious to improve blood circulation and restore immune system. Binahong plant is known as a plant that has many health benefits or herbal medicine. The leaves have been used for various kinds of traditional medicine in society since ancient times and even now even though there are more modern medicines.


1.     Treating Burns

Burns should be treated quickly. From research released in 2017, it was proven that the ointment containing 5% binahong leaf extract was able to treat burns quickly.

The key to the burn healing process is the Collagen recipe. Collagen is a protein in human tissues, including the skin. When binahong leaf extract was used, it was seen that burns experienced better healing than not using binahong leaves.

2. Treating Ulcer

If you have an acute illness that often recurs when your eating schedule is messy, then binahong leaves can be the solution. The content in binahong leaves will make your stomach calm. Apart from treating diseases, regularly drinking binahong juice or binahong boiled water can also treat dysentery in the digestive system. Eating binahong leaves can

3. Good for Heart Health

It turns out that consuming binahong leaves can be a way to prevent heart disease. The saponin content in binahong leaves can reduce bad cholesterol in the body. It is enough to brew the binahong leaves like making tea. Add sugar or honey to make it taste sweeter. This recipe can be consumed twice a day.

4. Prevent Cancer

The health benefits of binahong leaves can help prevent cancer. Cancer occurs when there is abnormal cell growth in the body. Binahong leaves as a plant that is easy to grow in Indonesia, you can consume as a form of prevention against various types of cancer. Binahong leaves are high in essential carotenoid pigment antioxidants, such as beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, and lutein.The antioxidant content in binahong leaves is proven to be effective in preventing cancer. You can consume it by boiling binahong leaves and drinking the water 3 times a day.

5. Restore Stamina

Binahong leaf boiled water can restore tired stamina. You only need to boil 1 binahong leaf with 2 cups of water to boil and consume it regularly. In fact, binahong leaf boiled water can also increase male vitality if consumed in larger doses. But of course, make sure there are no negative reactions from the body before trying it.

6. Prevent Diabetes

High sugar levels in the body can trigger diabetes. If you want to control it, besides adjusting your diet, the benefits of binahong leaves can also be an option.

Binahong leaves contain alkaloid compounds which have hypoglycemic properties. Even binahong leaves are known to have the property of reducing blood sugar levels optimally and keeping blood sugar stable in people with diabetes mellitus. You do this by consuming binahong leaf boiled water regularly.

7. Treating Uric Acid

Regularly consuming binahong leaf boiled water can reduce purine levels in the body.Purines are organic compounds in the body's DNA that arise after consuming foods that trigger uric acid. So, if you feel that you have eaten excessive portions of offal, red meat, and nuts, it is better to compensate by drinking binahong leaf boiled water.

8. Overcoming Anemia

Anemia can occur when a person's blood pressure is below normal. Need iron intake to balance it. Binahong leaves contain iron which red blood cells need so that a person no longer feels anemia.

9. Ward off Free Radicals

The definite and tested benefits of binahong leaves are able to ward off free radicals. This is because of its high antioxidant content. During, it shows that the ethanol extract of Binahong leaves has a total of 11,266 mg of flavonoids (fresh) and 7,687 mg (dry). It is calculated per kilogram of fresh and dried binahong leaves. Binahong ethanol extract has total antioxidants of 4.25 mmol / 100 g (fresh) and 3.68 mmol / 100 g (dry).

10. Overcoming Brain Problems

Brain problems can affect children to adults. The causes also vary, ranging from bacteria, viruses, food intake, to collisions that are too hard. How to solve brain problems, binahong leaves can be one solution. Even so, not all types of brain diseases can be treated with binahong leaves.

A brain problem caused by a hard impact is one of the brain problems that can be overcome with binahong leaves. You do this by boiling binahong leaves and eating them regularly

 11. Increase Appetite

The benefits of this one binahong leaf may be good for children who have difficulty eating, or have appetite problems.

You can also add vitamins to increase your appetite, one of which is the binahong leaf stew. Consuming binahong leaf boiled water regularly, this will have a good effect for children who have difficulty eating.

 12. Prevent Premature Aging

Binahong leaves contain antioxidants, such as lutein, Vitamins A, C, beta-carotene, and zeaxanthin which provide protection to your organs and skin from free radicals. High enough vitamins A and C will help your skin become more elastic, rejuvenate the skin naturally, and of course prevent premature aging.

13. Provides a Healing Effect After Surgery

Binahong leaves have benefits for patients who have just had surgery. During this healing period, the patient can drink binahong leaf boiled water every day as a natural and effective healing solution. This is because binahong leaves contain good minerals and protein.

 14. Maintaining Eye Health

Caring for the eyes is usually done by taking vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin and lutein to provide extra protection from free radicals. But did you know that binahong leaves contain vitamin A, even the stems are also a good source of vitamin A. Consuming boiled water of binahong leaves regularly can prevent you from eye diseases, such as nearsightedness. (Jika ada yang tidak mengerti dengan penjelasan dalam bahasa inggris saya juga telah menyediakannya dalam bahasa indonesia)





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  2. Untuk segi pembuatan, sangat bagus, dan tertata rapih, cuman ada beberapa sih yang berantakan, tapi bagus kok. Untuk materi yang dibawakan lengkap dan juga penuh manfaat di dalamnya.. Segi bahasa juga mudah di pahami..
    Terimakasih ALBANI FADHLY untuk artikel dan materi yang dibawakannya, semoga bisa lebih semangat dalam berkarya. SAlam sukses..

  3. Materinya sangat bermanfaat untuk kesehatan


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