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Ecosystem Utilization and Environmental Balance

ecosystem utilization and environmental balance

Earth is one of the planets in the solar system. Earth is one of the planets that clearly has life on it. Life on planet Earth, is divided into 2 big worlds. Land and sea. Each region has its own characteristics. This occurs due to the different forms of relief on the face of the earth. This relief is formed due to the existence of two energies on earth, namely endogenous energy and exogenous energy. Endogenous energy is energy that comes from within the earth (Read: Types of Endogenous Energy and Their Explanations). This power takes advantage of the heat pressure from within the earth, so that the layers of the earth experience fractures or folds.


Endogenous energy is divided into 3, namely tectonism, volcanism and seism. Meanwhile, exogenous energy is energy that utilizes the forces of wind, water and glaciers (Read: Types of Exogenous Power Changing the Earth's Surface). Exogenous energy is energy that changes the shape of the earth after being formed by endogenous forces. Exogenous energy is divided into two, namely erosion and sedimentation processes. As a result of these two forces, the relief of the earth becomes uneven, but forms a unique land and water ecosystem.


Land and Water Ecosystem

Land ecosystem is an ecosystem that is on land. Land ecosystem has many types. Each type has its own characteristics. This characteristic occurs due to differences in temperature and climate. In addition, place also has an effect, where the lowlands have different characteristics

from the highlands. Terrestrial ecosystems include rainforests, savanna, grasslands, deserts, deciduous forests, taiga, tundra, and karst. Each region has its own distinction. This difference can be seen based on the types of biotics that inhabit an ecosystem.


Aquatic ecosystems are ecosystems that are physically located in water or close to water. Sindiri water, on earth, is divided into 2 types, namely fresh water and salt water. Each type of water has a different biotic. In addition, the water ecosystem is also influenced by incoming sunlight, temperature and the amount of sediment that settles. In freshwater ecosystems, it is distinguished based on the state of the water and based on the amount of sunlight that enters the area. Examples of freshwater ecosystems are lakes, swamps and rivers. Meanwhile, salt water is seen through the depth level and the light that enters the sea. Saltwater or sea water ecosystems include coral reefs, estuary ecosystems, and coastal ecosystems. Every ecosystem has the power to maintain the balance of the earth. however due to pollution, many ecosystems are starting to lose balance.   


Keeping the Natural Balance Around

Humans live on earth. protecting the earth is a human duty. Earth has biodiversity. This diversity must be balanced, so that no damage occurs to the earth. there are many ways that can be done by maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. Start by changing daily habits, which include the interests of maintaining a balance in the natural surroundings:

1.       Do not litter

2.       Do not throw garbage into streams or rivers

3.       Do not dispose of factory waste into streams or rivers

4.       When visiting natural attractions, bring a bag to store our own trash.

5.       Get in the habit of walking or cycling when traveling short distances

6.       Turn off the lights and unplug the electricity when not in use.

7.       Use water as needed, and don't waste water.


Impact If Nature Is Not Balanced

By changing habits, it will have a big impact on the balance of the natural surroundings. The surrounding environment needs to be preserved, because humans live side by side with nature. There are many stories about elephants or orangutans not entering residential areas. This happens because the balance of the ecosystem begins to break down. Humans are too greedy to use the earth, so that there is no place for living things to live. The impacts that can occur if the natural balance around is shaky are:

1.       The amount of oxygen will continue to decrease, because the number of trees is getting smaller,

2.       There is no more water, because the rivers and streams have been polluted.

3.       The occurrence of global warming

4.       Some animals and plants will become extinct, even scientists have predicted that coffee plants will be rare, if the earth continues to experience damage.

5.       The number of predators and game animals becomes imbalanced due to illegal hunting.

biotic components that can be used for health

is an environmental component of a group of living things or organisms that exist in the surrounding environment. These living things can be classified according to certain types. Biotic components include, humans, animals and plants or what are called living things. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), biotic means living things, in this case plants, animals, and humans, both micro and macro and their processes. From this biotic group, humans are the biotic factors that have a strong influence.


Biotic functions

Living things based on size are classified into microorganisms and macroorganisms. Microorganismes are organisms that are very small in size. So that to observe it needed a help tool. Meanwhile macroorganisms are large decomposing creatures such as mice, cockroaches and worms. According to the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) website, based on their roles and functions, living things are divided into three types, namely producers (producers), consumers (users), and decomposers (decomposers). Also read: Ecosystem: Meaning, Components, and Types Here's the explanation: Producers Producers are living things that have a role to process inorganic substances. Then it is used to make its own food by photosynthesis. Plants synthesize or make food substances using carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) with the help of sunlight. Consumers Consumers are a group of living things that depend on other organisms. It was done to survive, because it could not produce its own food. Consumers will depend on other living things for food. Decomposers Decomposers are living things that break down inorganic materials into organic matter. Then the results are used by the manufacturer. The groups that include decomposers are bacteria and fungi. The decomposition process is very important to maintain ecosystem stability by breaking down waste substances into nutrients that will be absorbed by the soil.


Biotic components

Based on the nutritional level of biotic components, they are grouped into two, namely

·         Autotrophic Components Autotrophic components are unicellular and multicellular organisms that can photosynthesize. Reported by Encyclopaedia Britannica (2015), autotrophs in the ecology of organisms that function as the main producers in the food chain.

·         Autotrophs obtain energy and nutrients by utilizing sunlight through photosynthesis or, less often, obtain chemical energy through oxidation to make organic matter from inorganic substances.

·         Heterotrophic components Heterotrophic components are groups of organisms that utilize organic materials provided by other organisms as food ingredients.

 So much material that I can convey

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