Benefits of Bidara Leaves for Health
Benefits of Bidara Leaves for Health
1. Overcoming Acne on the Face
If you have a problem with acne, you can use bidara leaves to treat it because it has anti-inflammatory properties.
The way to process bidara leaves is easy, mash the leaves until smooth, mix with lemon, spread to the face.
After that, let this concoction dry after a while, then you can clean your face.
This is the benefit of bidara leaves for the face, besides that it can also be useful for the skin, especially for wounds.
2. Healing Wounds
Bidara leaves have anti-inflammatory properties so they can help accelerate healing of wounds on the outside of the body.
3. Eliminate Scars
Another benefit of bidara leaves is to remove scars which have the ability to regenerate skin.
4. Anticipating infection
Bidara leaves also have anti-bacterial properties so that when there is a wound, the patient can avoid infection.
5. Overcoming the flu
The benefits of bidara leaves for health are relieving flu, you only need to drink a few drops of bidara leaf oil.
the benefits of bidara leaves
6. Treating Diabetes
Bidara leaves contain ingredients that can bind excess sugar levels in the blood, can prevent and treat several types of diabetes.
If you have a problem with acne, you can use bidara leaves to treat it because it has anti-inflammatory properties.
The way to process bidara leaves is easy, mash the leaves until smooth, mix with lemon, spread to the face.
After that, let this concoction dry after a while, then you can clean your face.
This is the benefit of bidara leaves for the face, besides that it can also be useful for the skin, especially for wounds.
2. Healing Wounds
Bidara leaves have anti-inflammatory properties so they can help accelerate healing of wounds on the outside of the body.
3. Eliminate Scars
Another benefit of bidara leaves is to remove scars which have the ability to regenerate skin.
4. Anticipating infection
Bidara leaves also have anti-bacterial properties so that when there is a wound, the patient can avoid infection.
5. Overcoming the flu
The benefits of bidara leaves for health are relieving flu, you only need to drink a few drops of bidara leaf oil.
the benefits of bidara leaves
6. Treating Diabetes
Bidara leaves contain ingredients that can bind excess sugar levels in the blood, can prevent and treat several types of diabetes.
Nama : Muhammad Nur Rohman
Kelas : X OTKP 1
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