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Turmeric Plant With A Thousand Benefits

Turmeric Plant With A Thousand Benefits


Since long time ago, Indonesia has been known for its diversity of plants. Starting from food plants, medicinal plants, and spices. Of the many types of plants, there is a rhizome class such as ginger, turmeric, ginger, and the like which are very well known from Indonesia.


In this paper, we will discuss one of the plants from the rhizome group which has various benefits and properties. The plant is turmeric. The turmeric plant originates from Southeast Asia, and is thought to have originated in India and Indo-Malaysia.


This plant is widely grown in several countries such as Bangladesh, China, the Philippines, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Sri Lanka and Taiwan. This plant has requirements for growing in the lowlands of 2,000 meters above sea level, with similar clay or sandy soils.


This plant is included in the type of encounter and belongs to the Zingiberaceae family. The main part of the turmeric plant is the rhizome or the place where tuna grows. The skin of the rhizome of this plant has a brown color and the inside is dark yellow, orange yellow, or reddish orange yellow. By appearance, turmeric is described as described above.


Main Content of Turmeric

Turmeric rhizome also stores various chemical substances in it. The main ingredients of turmeric are curcuminoids and essential oils. Curcuminoids and their derivatives namely demethoxicurcumin and bismidexicurcumin in turmeric plants have a concentration of 3% to 5%. Curcuminoids have a prismatic crystal form or short rods, form emulsions or are insoluble in water, but curcumin can easily dissolve in acetone, ethanol, methanol, benzene, and chloroform.


These curcuminoids are what give this plant its orange-yellow color. Furthermore, the essential oil in turmeric has a percentage of 2.5% to 6.0%. The essential oils in turmeric are divided into components of artumerone, tumerol, alpha atlanton, beta clairofilen, linalol, and borneol. Apart from the 2 main ingredients in the form of curcuminoids and essential oils, in turmeric there are also several other compounds such as starch, fat, protein, camphor, resin, resin, calcium, and iron. The main content in the form of curcuminoids and their derivatives is what makes turmeric used for various purposes ranging from kitchen spices, kitchen spices, food ingredients, preservatives, cosmetic coloring, and medicines. What are the uses of Turmeric?


Benefits of Turmeric


1.      Sebagai Obat-obatan


Based on the research and development report on industrial plants volume 19 No.2 issued by the Indonesian Agriculture Service (now the Ministry of Agriculture), the properties of turmeric can be used as traditional medicine. Turmeric has properties as herbal medicine and traditional medicine for various types of diseases. The compounds contained in turmeric, namely curcuminoids and essential oils have roles as antioxidants, anti-tumor, and anti-cancer.


Antioxidants are compounds that can counteract free radical compounds. In vitro it has been proven that curcuminoid turmeric can inhibit the process of fat peroxidation in rat liver. Curcuminoids are reported as strong antioxidants and have antioxidant power 8 times stronger than vitamin E. The benefits of turmeric as an anticancer and anti-tumor have been proven in-vitro. Still in the same journal, the curcuminoid compounds in turmeric rhizome have cytotoxic properties that can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells and can reduce and eliminate unpleasant odors, itching, and reduce the size of wounds caused by cancer. Therefore, it is possible to use turmeric as an anti-inflammatory which is useful in the treatment of cancer and tumors.


2.      Kunyit Asam Sebagai Jamu


Apart from being a medicine, turmeric rhizome is also used as an herbal medicine which is actually also a medicine, but in a more traditional form. The ingredients for turmeric rhizome used as herbal medicine or medicinal ingredients can be in the form of simplicia, powder, fresh rhizome, extract capsules, powder capsules, or pills. There are many uses of turmeric for herbal medicine. When turmeric is roasted, the smoke can be used to relieve nasal congestion. Turmeric flower paste can be used for worm medicine, skin diseases, and venereal diseases. The tamarind turmeric herb, which is a mixture of tamarind turmeric and brown sugar, can be used to get rid of the smell of sweat, pain during menstruation, and sore joints. So for those of you women who are menstruating and feel pain, you can try making tamarind concoctions. The benefits of tamarind turmeric are much safer than buying chemical drugs that are used for the same function, namely pain relief, right?


For those who experience swollen teeth, they can overcome it by slicing the rhizome and mixing it with gambier, brewed with boiling water and then use it as a mouthwash. Then next is herbal medicine for parents who experience rheumatism. You can use finely ground turmeric rhizome.


3.      Kunyit Sebagai Bahan Bumbu dan Kosmetik


After finishing discussing the function of turmeric as medicine and herbal medicine, we will discuss other functions of turmeric, namely as a spice and cosmetics. Turmeric is commonly used as a spice in fish and meat dishes. This is because turmeric can get rid of the rancid smell. In some areas such as West Sumatra, turmeric leaves are often used to cook rendang meat. In India, turmeric powder is often used as a base for cooking spices such as curry. Although different in Morocco, turmeric is often used for a food spice called Haira Soup.


Indonesians must be very familiar with yellow rice. This rice, has a difference with rice in general in terms of color. The yellow color of this rice is obtained by using turmeric. This shows that turmeric can also be used as a food coloring, of course, to produce a natural yellow color. Apart from yellow rice, before the discovery of synthetic dyes, turmeric was also used as a dye for textiles, batik, paper and woven mats.


Apart from being a coloring tool, turmeric is also used as a food preservative. Turmeric has very strong antibacterial properties, allowing it to be used as a food preservative. Its use as a cooking spice has two functions, apart from making food tastier and more colorful, turmeric will also make food less rotten due to microbes.


Now the next thing that is somewhat unique, because we live in a society that adheres to culture and customs, turmeric is also often used as an ingredient for traditional ceremonies. On the island of Java, turmeric is used for traditional ceremonies of female circumcision (droplets), weddings (kacar-kucur and sawer), and funerals for the body. In Bali it is used to color rice and make yellow rice for traditional ceremonies on Kuningan Day.


The last function for beauty. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric are beneficial for the face. The most common is to use turmeric as a mask. You can use a musk turmeric mask. This muskish turmeric mask is commonly used to remove blackheads.


Next is the turmeric and papaya mask. This mask is suitable for all face types. This mask is used to remove dead skin cells on your face and improve skin elasticity. The last one is a turmeric and yogurt mask. The benefits of this type of mask are to shrink pores, help reduce acne and scars.


Nama            : Ii Rusmana

Kelas            : X BDP 2

No Absen    : 14


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