Benefits of the Cat Whisker Plant
Orthosiphon aristatus or known as cat's whiskers, including plants from the Lamiaceae / Labiatae family. This plant is one of Indonesia's native medicinal plants which has quite a lot of benefits and uses in overcoming various diseases.
Cat whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus) contains orthosiphon glucose, essential oils, saponins, polyphenols, flavonoids, sapofonins, potassium salts and also myonositol.
Benefits of the Cat Whisker Plant:
1. Prevent Hypertension
Benefits of cat's whiskers to prevent hypertension. This is none other than because cat whiskers contain Methylripariochromene A (MRC) which functions to help relax muscles and enlarge blood vessels. It is also believed that regular consumption of cat's whiskers can help lower blood pressure.
2. Rheumatic Diseases
The benefits of boiled water from cat's whiskers can help relieve pain in people with rheumatism. This is due to the anti-inflammatory properties of cat whiskers. Its anti-inflammatory properties maintain joint function. No wonder the pain and inflammation can be relieved by consuming boiled water from cat whiskers. Its effect is not only on joints, but can also be applied to tendons, ligaments, bones and muscles.
3. Cure Urinary Tract Infection
Cat whiskers are useful for cleaning tracts. So that the benefits of cat whiskers are very effective in fighting infection. A person with a UTI or Urinary Tract Infection is usually advised to consume boiled water from cat whiskers.
4. Treating Kidney Disorders
Cat's whiskers are also popularly referred to as kidney plants. In Java, the benefits of cat whiskers are well known, one of which is treating kidney disorders. Reportedly cat whiskers can remove kidney stones up to 5 cm in size.
5. Treating Swollen Gums
When a person is suffering from bleeding gum disease, it can be done by gargling. So that if you want to reduce swollen gums, it can make it easier to overcome swollen gums.
6. Reducing Itching Due to Allergies
When the body is itching due to allergies, one way to deal with it is by consuming cat whiskers. How to process cat whiskers can be by boiling half a handful of cat whiskers together with meniran and sambiloto. Coupled with 4 glasses of water and 2 fingers of ginger then boil until boiling.
7. As anti-bacterial
Cat whiskers leaves are composed of several compounds, such as phenol and caffenic acid that can help prevent bacterial growth and kill the rest. Therefore, this herbal remedy is easy to apply to heal wounds and bruises caused by various types of infections.
8. Relieves Cough
It turns out that the benefits of cat whiskers are very much, one of which is to relieve coughs. The way to process cat whiskers to relieve cough is to prepare 15-20 grams plus 1 cup of water. Boil and drink the water 3 times a day, the dose is one glass.
9. Overcoming Gallstones
The benefits of other cat whiskers are to treat gallstones. These properties can be obtained by combining the extract of cat whiskers with other plants, such as Sochus spp or Barleria spp. In addition to treating gallstones, this combination is also said to be able to relieve diabetes and nephritis.
10. Treating arthritis
Cat's whiskers consist of enzymes that free you from Gout. It has enzymes like flavonoids and natural acids that reduce pain.
Nama : Fifi Kurnia Maulinda
Kelas : X OTKP 1
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