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Ecosystem Utilization and Environmental Balance

A. Living environment

The living environment is a spatial unit with all objects, forces, conditions, and living things including humans and their behavior so as to create a reciprocal relationship and influence each other. The environment consists of abiotic and biotic components that influence one another. The abiotic component is everything that is lifeless, such as water, soil, air, humidity, light intensity, PH, and pollutants. While the biotic component is everything that is animate, such as animals, plants, humans, and microorganisms. These living things interact with each other with abiotic components and influence the growth and development of each organism.

 Ecosystem is a complex and interactive system composed of all living organisms in an area and all its physical environments (soil, water, climate, habitat). Ecosystem balance must be maintained in order to create a good environment. An ecosystem is said to be balanced if all the biotic and abiotic components are at the proper amount in the amount and role in the environment. In order for the environment to be maintained, environmental protection and management are needed.

The objectives of environmental protection and management are:

1. Protect the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia from environmental pollution and / or damage;

2. Ensuring human safety, health and life;

3. Ensuring the survival of living things and the preservation of ecosystems;

4. Maintain the preservation of environmental functions;

5. Achieve harmony, harmony and balance of the environment;

6. Ensuring the fulfillment of the present and future generations of justice;

7. Ensure the fulfillment and protection of the right to the environment as part of human rights;

8. Controlling the use of natural resources wisely;

9. Achieve sustainable development;

10. Anticipating global environmental issues.

Animal Cultivation

A. Boer goat, from South Africa

Cute, friendly, and known as the "gentle giant," it's no wonder the Boer goat has become so popular. Although this breed of goat was once used for meat production, you are likely to see Boer goats being kept as companion animals and family today.

Ciri Karakteristik Kambing Boer 

Development of the Boer Goat in the Modern Era

The boer goat has a distinctive white body and brown head. They also have long dangling ears and are known to have high fertility rates. Pure boer goats are usually kept for the purpose of preserving pure breeds. These goats are usually crossed for the production of cempe.

In terms of cross-breeding, common cross-breed goats are Boer x Spanish goats, Boer x Angora goats, Boer x Kiko goats, Boer x Nubian goats, Boer x Osmanabadi goats, and Boer x Jamnapari goats, or Boer x Javanese goats or commonly known. with the Boerawa goat

The purpose of raising boer goats

While the main purpose of Boer goats is meat production, more and more people are keeping them as companion pets or show goats. Known as the "gentle giant" because of his large size and easygoing personality, this docile goat is perfect for children and other animals.

Production Characteristics

Boer goat is suitable for most management systems. Multiple births are the norm, with triplets and quadruplets being quite common. Ovulation rates range from one to four eggs per head with an average of 1.7.

B. Wonosobo Sheep, Excellent Original Indonesian Sheep

Wonosobo Sheep or commonly known as Texel Wonosobo Sheep or Dombos is a cross between Texel Sheep and Thin Tail Sheep and / Fat Tailed Sheep. This sheep has been recognized as one of the local Indonesian sheep breeds which has a geographic original distribution in Wonosobo Regency, Central Java Province and has been cultivated from generation to generation.


The Dynamics of Wonosobo Sheep

Dombos have different characteristics from native sheep or other local sheep and are a wealth of genetic resources of Indonesian local livestock that need to be protected and preserved. One of the uniqueness possessed by Dombos is the wool fur which covers almost all parts of the body except the face, lower abdomen and legs. The body weight of adult male Dombos can reach 108 kg, while for female Dombos it is 82 kg (Ministry of Agriculture, 2011).

The problem currently faced is the decline in population due to uncontrolled sales out of the region, especially the pattern of sales outside Indonesia, especially Malaysia because the selling price is quite high. In addition, there was a decrease in quality due to the crossing of Dombos with sheep from other types / nations. Meanwhile, the decreasing interest of young people to raise livestock is also an obstacle in itself. The population of Wonosobo sheep itself reaches 9,080 individuals spread across 10 districts (Muryanto, et al. 2011).

C. Simmental Cow

Guatemala imported the first Simmental cattle to the Western Hemisphere in 1897, with Brazil following in 1918 and Argentina in 1922. In 1976 These cattle were also shipped to the Republic of China.

Characteristics of Simmental Cows

Simmental cattle have a large, well-muscled frame with a cow about 135-150cm and bulls 150-160cm. Simmental weights can vary depending on the use, but cattle can weigh around 700-900kg and bulls 1300kg. Carcass weight is about 57.2%, according to research conducted in the European region, and the daily increase for the Simmental mean is 1.44kg.sapi simmental betina

The selective breeding generation, with the aim of maximizing milk and beef production at minimum costs, has created a well-balanced, muscular, well-lined and highly adaptable breed support. Compliance and good parenting traits are other characteristics of this breed.

Simmentals are bred around the world for high beef yields. But breeding allows for variation in emphasis from maternal ability to improve meat quality. The muscular weight, length and overall size and weight of the animal combine to produce a solid red meat carcass with minimum meat waste.

In interbreeding, Simmental has proven to be very successful. It provides good growth, large skeleton and thus better beef yields for the offspring. It enhances the quality of the meat with its excellent white and marbling fat. This increases milk yield, resulting in good development for calves.


• High fertility rate

•Long live

• Easy to give birth to puppies

• Short interval between calves

• Have good mothering abilities

• Good grazing ability

• Early maturity

• Good growth rate

• Easy to handle

• Efficient feed conversion

• Uniformity in types & colors

Forms and Patterns of Utilization at Ecosystem Lagoon Ihamahu Village, Central of Maluku

The high level of community needs towards the fulfillment of the necessities of life increases the activity of the utilization of natural resources especially coastal and sea. Ihamahu Village has nine lagoons that have the potential to meet the needs of people because of the high productivity of lagoon ecosystems.

The results of this research show that the utilization of lagoon ecosystem is catching fish, bameti and garbage disposal. All three activities are undertaken throughout the year with less intentity especially in fishing activities and bameti occur in the west season. The high number of fishing activities using redi fishing equipment that is not environmentally friendly and has been prohibited by the government resulted in a decline in the number and size of the catch. For that form and pattern of utilization that has been done so far needs to be regulated so as to produce sustainable lagoon ecosystem management.


The research was conducted in May - June 2017 in Ihamahu State, Saparua Timur District, Central Maluku (Figure 1). Primary data collection using a questionnaire is carried out directly in Ihamahu Country through FGD (Focus Group Discussion) activities. Meanwhile, secondary data includes previous research data as well as population data obtained through literature searches. Data analysis from the FGD results will be outlined in the form of a map of the forms and patterns of utilization of the people of Ihamahu Country in the lagoon ecosystem.

Figure 1. Map of the research location


Utilization of mollusk resources

Molluscs are one of the coastal resources found in coastal areas. The existence of mollusk resources in the coastal area of Ihamahu Country is very abundant. Utilization of these resources is carried out through bameti activities. Most of the people of Negeri Ihamahu with different livelihoods also often do this bameti activity (Figure 2).

The people of Ihamahu State carry out bameti activities only to meet family food needs or to consume themselves not to be sold. This activity is also carried out as a hobby or filling in spare time. Several types of mollusks that are utilized are bia gae-gae (Strombus luhuanus), bia garu (Tridacna gigas), bia lola (Trochus niloticus), bia gae-gae (Lambis lambis) and others.

Fish catching

Fishing in Ihamahu Country is carried out throughout the day with the fishing area in the lagoon and high seas ecosystem (Figure 3).






Figure 2. Bacilli activity


     *        : The boat mooring

              : Location of bameti

The largest fishing activity is carried out in the lagoon ecosystem. Fishing gear used is nets, fishing rods and redi. Redi nets are a type of fishing gear in coastal waters but are not selective in the fishing process so they are categorized as not environmentally friendly. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 / PERMEN-KP / 2015 concerning the Prohibition of Using Trawls and Seine Nets in the Fisheries Management Area of the Republic of Indonesia, Article 4 states that beach seines ) is included in the seine net.

This is supported by the community's answer that there has been a change in the size of the catch of the resource and the number of types of resources caught. The size of the catch of resources in the last 5 - 10 years has decreased and is small. Meanwhile, for the attributes of the number of types of resources caught, the community answered that there were quite a number of other types that were also caught.

Figure 3. Fishing activities


  *        : The boat mooring

          : Location of the redi net

*             : Fish archery location

             : Location of drift net

Figure 4. Waste disposal activities


                  : Garbage dump

Waste disposal activities

Garbage is an important problem in every country because it has a negative impact on the environment. The first impact that is generated when garbage is dumped into the sea is reducing the beauty or aesthetic value of the waters (Mukhtasor, 2007). The rubbish will float in the water and eventually be carried to the coastal area. Plastic waste that is difficult to degrade or decompose will accumulate and disturb the life of aquatic organisms.

    The community considers that the coastal area is an area that is open to disposing of garbage. This assumption is supported by the idea that garbage dumped in coastal and marine areas will be carried away by currents. There have been many attempts by the state government and also the public to appeal to the public through verbal prohibitions and warnings, but garbage disposal activities are still carried out.

  Waste disposal activities in Ihamahu Country tend to be carried out by people who live in coastal areas. This has become a routine habit and is caused by easy access to the proximity of the coastal areas. In contrast to people who live far from coastal areas, garbage dumps are disposed of in their yards around being hoarded or burne





Nama : Nabilah Dessyana

             Kelas : X PB 1    


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